Ossama Mohamed Omar


Architecture Department , Alexandria University

As result of globalization, the world has become like one small village. New notion called the global problems has appeared such as the financial crisis, global warming, and Climate change and biodiversity affecting the whole world in general and the third world developing countries in particular resulting from the developed countries actions. It becomes necessary to address and face such global problems through the collaboration between all the world countries to reduce these impacts which will effect directly and strongly on the third world countries more than the developed countries because of their technological possibilities or advances enabling them facing such threats. Therefore, we must address and face these problems by providing future solutions minimizing their impacts. One of these solutions is using the nanotechnology and the environmental materials in architecture so as to reduce energy consumption in the public buildings to reduce its heat emissions. Thus, using these materials in the public buildings will affect the architectural trends and thinking schools in the Middle East due to the different properties of these materials. A vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it poses a serious threat to society. They also agree that it is being caused largely by human activities that release greenhouse gases, such as burning fossil fuels in power plants and cars and deforesting the land. Hence, reaching the main purpose of this study finding the optimal or the best ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions harming the environment. Furthermore, it leads to carbon free environment on the public level. Also on the private or individual level, it leads to carbon free architecture through using nanotechnology, and nanoarchitecture. Nanoarchitecture contributes effectively in creating spaces and carbon free environment. Moreover depending on a clean and renewable energy producing a clean reliable energy without harming the environment.

Further Details: We discuss the different architecture systems aiming to reduce e the negative effects of using the environment harmful materials in urban planning, and construction, and the different architecture schools aiming to use the environment friendly material, and targeted solutions for using the renewable energy without harming the environment, and depleting the natural resources. Also discussing the environmental design, the different renewable energy sources, smart materials, and systems used in building and construction to serve clean environment. Eventually presenting different examples of modern applications. Summarizes the climatic design in three points, first point is renewable resource (clean energy, solar power, green power). Second point is smart system like (lighting system, ventilation system, plumbing system and etc…). Third point is smart materials which can use in building to reduce the carbon dioxide. Also deals mainly with Nanotechnology and Nanoscience solution for global warming by explain Environmental Benefits and Impacts of using nanomaterials in building construction, the way of Reduction of pollution in the production of materials and Reduction of pollution in construction, use and demolition.3- Smart Materials. After that we review the future solutions like Materials for Global Warming, Sensors and Smart Electronic.

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