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Dear colleagues and friends,

The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled "Moving towards Sustainability in the Pharmaceutical Sector". We are pleased to highlight the following focus topic-related contributions:

  • BioNanoNet Annual Forum & J
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Dear colleagues and friends,

The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled "How Innovative Materials Contribute to a more Sustainable World". 

We are pleased to highlight the following focus topic-related contributions:

  • Pioneering a Sustaina
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Dear colleagues and friends,

The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled “Tools & Strategies for Applying SSbD“.  We are pleased to highlight the following focus topic-related contributions:

  • ANTHOS’24 – The first Summit on Advanced (Nano)M
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Dear colleagues and friends,

The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled “Tools & Strategies for Applying SSbD“.  We are pleased to highlight the following focus topic-related contributions:

  • ANTHOS’24 – The first Summit on Advanced (Nano)M
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A study published today in Applied Nanoscience sheds light on the remarkable antibacterial properties of cicada wings, offering promising insights for the development of novel antimicrobial surfaces. The research, conducted by a team led by Richard W

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Dear colleagues and friends,

The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled "Innovation in Nanomedicine: Chances for Strengthening the Field". We are pleased to highlight the following nanomedicine-related contributions:

  • Technology Platform:
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BNN QUARTERLY 02/2023 available now






















Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to share the latest version of the BNN QUARTERLY, our “Digital Magazine for Developments in Sustainable Technology” with you. For the second edition of 2023, we focused on the topic “Leveraging new

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International Conferene [RTMS] 2023 BARAMATI PUNE INDIA.pdf


Respected Sir/Madam

            We are pleased to invite you to the “International Conference On Recent Trends In Materials Science- Synthesis, Characterization And Applications, RTMS - 2023,

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