Dear colleagues and friends,
The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled “Tools & Strategies for Applying SSbD“. We are pleased to highlight the following focus topic-related contributions:
- ANTHOS’24 – The first Summit on Advanced (Nano)Materials and Technologies: Science, Research & Innovation for Safety and Sustainability
- Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) in the Frame of “ANTHOS’24”
- Expert Workshop on Public Perceptions of Nanoparticles
- Interview with Carlos Rumbo Lorenzo (ICCRAM, University of Burgos)
- Innovating Nanosafety: Integrative Tools and Strategies
- PINK – Computational Approaches for Industry-Ready Safe-and Sustainable-by-Design
- Chemical Functionalization Strategies for Poly(aspartic acid) towards Crosslinking and Processing Capabilities
Besides scientific contributions from our BioNanoNet members, reports about projects and activities, this issue also includes the pitch video of our member:
- Prospective Instruments
We hope you enjoy this edition!
BNN team
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