Sustainable Science, Engineering and the Built Environment series is aimed at discussing the state-of-the-art technological advancements and significant cutting-edge research in green and sustainable engineering with a host of topics covered related to reducing or eliminating the use of generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of products. It provides a unique opportunity for the publication of innovative research on development of alternative green and sustainable chemical technologies,The series provides high visibility to research to a worldwide audience both in scientific community, academicians and enterprises. The major purpose is to encourage academicians and researchers to publish their experimental, computational, and theoretical research pertaining to natural and applied sciences, engineering, in detail to promote scientific, technological and Engineering understanding and to help predict and impact assessments of global change and development in relation to sustainability. Knowing the importance of sustainability and achieving sustainable development for humanity, Sustainability strives to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by United Nations. As a transdisciplinary approach, Sustainability promotes researchers to provide full experimental and methodological details so that results can be reproduced and evaluated. This book series will have various edited volumes devoted to Sustainable engineering as a revolutionary approach to engineering that lays emphasis upon the enduring change in the human condition, recognizing how the infrastructure and the human and natural systems correlate; and designing and developing complex systems by taking into consideration the environmental impact, life-cycle assessment, risk and uncertainty, apart from technical and economic impact.
The built environment covers society’s physical infrastructure and integrated systems that create the ecosystems for sustained health, prosperity and social well-being. Therefore the involvement with the built environment refers to kick-starting projects or programs through planning, design, construction, operations and decommissioning; the so-called “life-cycle” of the endeavour. The book series thus will have edited volumes dedicated to the integration of sustainable engineering and the built environment as well as various disciplines of engineering and the role of sustainability therein for the sustenance of life on the earth planet and inclusive growth of mankind across the globe.
(b) Five salient features : Frontier area, Sustainability integrated with built environment, Role of Engineering in sustainability across disciplines, Multidisciplinarity of the area, recent trends and solutions to mitigate fallouts of climate change at global level