January 18
I am...
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials
Interest in...
Nano ferrites, oxides, oxide/ferrite nanocomposites, soft/hard nanocomposites.
Publication list
2022 Physical properties of nanosized (x)NiO/(1−x)CdFe2O4 composites, Ceramics International 2021 Structural, optical and magnetic properties of (x)NiO/(1-x)CdFe2O4 Nanocomposites, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 2021 Investigating the role of diamagnetic Cd2+ ions on the structural, optical, and magnetic properties of YIG, Physics Scripta 2020 Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of Y3−xSmxFe5O12, Applied Physics A 2020 Dielectric Properties of Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) Prepared at Different Molarities of NaOH, Jordan Journal of Physics 2020 Effect of Molybdenum Doping on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of MnFe2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles, Applied Physics A 2019 Effect of Er3+ and Pr3+ on the structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Zn-Co ferrite synthesized via co-precipitation method, Materials Research Innovations 2019 Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of nanosized Zn0.5Co0.5ErxFe2-xO4 prepared by co-precipitation method, Turkish Journal of Physics 2017 The effect of PVP on Morphology, Optical Properties and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Zn0.5Co0.5Fe2-xPrxO4 Nanoparticles, IOP, Conference Series, Journal of Physics 2016 Synthesis, Characterization, Optical Properties and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance for nano Zn0.5Co0.5Fe2-xPrxO4, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name
Beirut Arab University
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