December 8
I am...
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Graphene Based Nanoassemblies: Role of Interfacial Charge Transfer Effect and Chemical Bonding Processes for Environmental Cleaning Applications
Interest in...
Nanoscale Interface Materials; Water purification; Electron Microscope; Photocatalysis; Interfacial charge transfer studies; Solar Cells; Instrumentation; Graphene nanotechnology; Hybrid Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental application
Publication list
Journal Publications 1. R. AJAY RAKKESH, D. Durgalakshmi and S. Balakumar, Graphene based Nanoassembly for simultaneous Detection and Degradation of Harmful Organic Contaminants from Aqueous Solution, RSC Advances, 6, 34342-34349, (2016) 2. R. AJAY RAKKESH, D. Durgalakshmi and S. Balakumar, Efficient sunlight-driven photocatalytic activity of chemically bonded GNS-TiO2 and GNS-ZnO heterostructures, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2, 6827-6834, (2014) 3. A. Pavithra, R. AJAY RAKKESH, D. Durgalakshmi, and S. Balakumar, Room Temperature Detection of Hydrogen Gas Using Graphene Based Conductometric Gas Sensor, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 16, 1-5 (2016) 4. R. AJAY RAKKESH, D. Durgalakshmi and S. Balakumar, Nanostructuring of GNS-V2O5/TiO2 Core/Shell Photocatalyst for Water Remediation Applications under Sun-light Irradiation, RSC Advances, 5, 18633 – 18641 (2015) 5. D. Durgalakshmi, R. AJAY RAKKESH, S. Balakumar, Stacked Bioglass/TiO2 nanocoatings on titanium substrate for enhanced osseointegration and its electrochemical corrosion studies, Applied Surface Science, 349, 561-569, (2015) 6. D. Durgalakshmi, R. AJAY RAKKESH, C. Ashok Raja and S. Balakumar, Electrophoretic Deposition of Bioglass/TiO2 nanocomposite on CP-Ti substrates for Biomedical Applications, Int. J. Chem Tech Res., 7(2), 755-761, (2015) 7. R. AJAY RAKKESH, and S. Balakumar, Morphology dependent photocatalytic activity of α-MoO3 nanostructures towards mutagenic Acridine Orange Dye, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 15, 4316 – 4324 (2015) 8. R. AJAY RAKKESH, D. Durgalakshmi and S. Balakumar, TiO2 Impregnated Graphene Nanostructures: An Effectual Photocatalysts for Water Remediation Application, AIP Conf Proc, 1665, 050036, (2015) 9. A. Pavithra, R. AJAY RAKKESH, D. Durgalakshmi, and S. Balakumar, Fabrication of High Quality Graphene Nanosheets from Camphor, Graphene 2, 113-116 (2014) 10. R. AJAY RAKKESH, and S. Balakumar, Structural, electrical transport and optical studies of Li ion doped ZnO nanostructures, Processing and Application of Ceramics 8[1], 7 (2014) 11. R. AJAY RAKKESH and S. Balakumar, Facile Synthesis of ZnO/TiO2 Core/Shell Nanostructures and their Photocatalytic Activities, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 13, 370-376 (2013) 12. S. Balakumar and R. AJAY RAKKESH, Core/Shell Nano-Structuring of Metal Oxides Semiconductors and their Photocatalytic Studies AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, 34 (2013) 13. R. AJAY RAKKESH, S. Malathi and S. Balakumar, Effect Of Fe Incorporation On The Optical Behavior Of ZnO Thin Films Prepared By Sol-Gel Derived Spin Coating Techniques, AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, 1200 (2013) 14. R. AJAY RAKKESH, A. K. Prasad, S. Dash, A.K. Tyagi and S. Balakumar, Methane Gas Detection in Environment using Shape Dependent α-MoO3 Nanosensor, AIP Advances, 1447,249 (2012) 15. S. Balakumar, R. AJAY RAKKESH, A. K. Prasad, S. Dash and A.K. Tyagi, Nanoplatelets structures of MoO3 for H2 Gas Sensors, IEEE Xplore, 978-1-4673-0074-2/11/ (2011)
Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name
National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
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