November 11
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Nanocatalysts,Nanocomposite materials, Nanoporous materials, Hybrid materials
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Publication list
Research Impact: Patents 1. SYNTHESIZING AND UTILIZING NOVEL NANO-CRYSTALLINE ZINC CHROMITE-SUPPORTED NANO-PALLADIUM CATALYST ; Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Vagif Malik Akhmedov, Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa ,Abdulrahman A. Al-Rabiah; United states patent, US007951976 B1. 2. SYNTHESIZING AND UTILIZING NOVEL RUTHENIUM NANOPARTICLES -ACTIVATED CHARCOAL-NANO-ZINC OXIDE COMPOSITE CATALYST; Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa, Vagif Malik Akhmedov, United states patent, US8,110,708 B2. 3. SYNTHESIS OF ZINC-OXIDE NANOPARTICLES AND THEIR USE FOR PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF CYANIDE, Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Reda M. Mohamed, Mohamed F.A.Aboud, Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa, Ahmed S. Alshammari, Zeid A.Al-Othman, United states patent, US 8,252,256 B2. 4. ZINC-OXIDE NANOPARTICLES AND THEIR USE FOR PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF CYANIDE, Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Reda M. Mohamed, Mohamed F.A.Aboud, Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa, Ahmed S. Alshammari, Zeid A.Al-Othman, United states patent, US 8, 362, 094 B1 5. ZINC-OXIDE NANOPARTICLES AND THEIR USE FOR PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF CYANIDE- A PROCESS, Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Reda M. Mohamed, Mohamed F.A.Aboud, Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa, Ahmed S. Alshammari, Zeid A.Al-Othman, United states patent, US 8, 361, 324 B1 6. COMPOSITE CATALYST AND USING THE SAME FOR MAKING ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL; Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa ,Abdulrahman A. Al-Rabiah; Vagif Malik Akhmedov, United states patent, US20120203034. 7. HETABLE CARBON NANOTUBE XEROGELS/XEROGELS/GELS; Ainara Garcia Gallastegui, Milo Shaffer, Mohamed Mokhtar, Sulaiman Basahel, UK patent No. 1122198.3 8. GRAPHENE AND GRAPHENE OXIDE AEROGELS/XEROGELS/GELS FOR CO2 CAPTURE ; Ainara Garcia Gallastegui, Milo Shaffer, Mohamed Mokhtar, Sulaiman Basahel, UK patent No. 1204169.5 PUBLISHED PAPERS 1995-2000 1. Th.El-Nabarawy, M. Mokhtar and G.A.El-Shobaky, “Texture Properties of un-doped and Na2O-doped V2O5/Al2O3Catalysts”, Adsorption Science & Technol., 12 (1995) 27. 2. G.A. El-Shobaky, G.A. Fagal and M. Mokhtar; “Analysis of thermally induced Solid-Solid Interactions In Vanadia-Alumina System”, J. Thermal Analysis and Clorimetry, 46 (1996) 1473. 3. G.A. El-Shobaky, A.S.Ahmed , M. Mokhtar; “Effect of Gamma irradiation on Surface and Catalytic Properties of CuO-ZnO/Al2O3 System”, J. Radioanal. Nuclear Chemistry, Articles. 219 No.1 (1997) 89-94. 4. G.A. El-Shobaky, G.A. Fagal and M. Mokhtar; “Effect of ZnO on Surface and Catalytic Properties of CuO/Al2O3 System”, Applied Catalysis: A Gen. 155(1997)167-178. 5. G.A. El-Shobaky, G.A.Fagal, A.S.Ahmed, M. Mokhtar, “Physicochemical, surface and catalytic properties of the Na2O-doped CuO- ZnO/Al2O3 System”, Adsorption Science & Technol., 15 No.9 (1997) 77. 6. G.A. El-Shobaky, G.A.Fagal, A.M.Ghozza, M. Mokhtar; “Effect of Li2O doping on Surface and Catalytic Properties of CuO-ZnO/Al2O3 System”, Colloids and Surfaces A: 142 (1998) 17-25. 7. G.A. El-Shobaky, A.S. Ahmed, G.A. Fagal , M.Mokhtar; “Solid-solid Interaction in CuO-ZnO/Al2O3 system under varying conditions”, Thermochim. Acta, 319 (1998) 67-74. 8. H.G. El-Shobaky, M. Mokhtar and G.A. El-Shobaky; “Physicochemical, Surface and catalytic properties of CuO-ZnO/ Al2O3 system”, Appl. Catalysis A: 180 (1999) 275-283. 9. H.G. El-Shobaky, M. Mokhtar, A.S. Ahmed; “Effect of MgO-doping on solid-solid interactions in Mo O3 / Al2O3 system”, Thermochem. Acta 327(1999) 39-46. 2000-2007 10. H.G. El-Shobaky, W.M.Shaheen, M. Mokhtar; “Surface and catalytic properties of the Co3O4/MgO System Doped with Fe2O3”. Adsorption Science and Technol.19 no.8 (2001) 621. 11. M.M. Doheim, H.A. El-Boohy, M. Mokhtar and G.A. El-Shobaky; “Surface and catalytic properties of -Irradiated ZnO-treated Co3O4/Al2O3 system”, Adsorption Science and Technol.19 no.9 (2001) 751. 12. M. Mokhtar, C. Ohlinger, J.H. Schlander and T. Turek; “Hydrogenolysis of dimethyl maleate on Cu/ZnO/ Al2O3 catalysts”, Chem. Eng. Technol.24 (2001) 4, 423-427. 13. M. Mokhtar, H.G. El-Shobaky, A.S.Ahmed, “Surface and Catalytic properties of Co3O4/Al2O3 as influenced by ZnO”, Colloids and Surfaces A: 203, 1-3 (2002) 87-95. 14. M. Mokhtar, H.G. El-Shobaky , A.S.Ahmed “Surface and catalytic properties of CuO doped with Li2O and Al2O3”, Colloids and Surfaces A: 203 ,1-3 ( 2002) 205-215. 15.N.R.E. Rdwan, M. Mokhtar, G.A. El-Shobaky; “Thermal behaviour of Ammonium molybdate/basic magnesium carbonate system doped with lithium nitrate”, J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 71 (2003) 977-986. 16. M. Mokhtar; “Surface and catalytic properties of CuO/Al2O3 system as influenced by treating with trace amounts of MoO3”, Adsorption Sci. Technol. 21(5) (2003) 425. 17. N.R.E. Radwan, M. Mokhtar, G.A. El-Shobaky; “Surface and catalytic properties of CuO and Co3O4 Solids as Influenced by Treatment with Co2+ and Cu2+ Species”, Applied Catalysis A: Gen. 241 (2003) 77-90. 18. A.M. Salem, M. Mokhtar, G.A. El-Shobaky, “Electrical properties of pure and Li2O-doped NiO/MgO System”, Solid State Ionics, 170 (1-2) (2004) 33-42. 19. G.A. El-Shobaky, M. Mokhtar, A.M. Salem; “Structure and electrical transport properties of pure and Li2O-doped CuO/MgO solid solution”, Materials Research Bulletin, 40 (6) (2005) 891-902. 20. H. G. El-Shobaky, M. Mokhtar; “Effect of Li2O and CoO – doping of CuO/Fe2O3 system on its surface and catalytic Properties”, Applied Surf. Sci.: 253 (24) (2007) 9407-9413 2009 21. S. N. Basahel , E.H. El-Mossalamy , M. Mokhtar; “Preparation and physicochemical characterization of thermally stable nano-sized hopcalite catalysts”, Int. J. Nanoman-ufacturing, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2/3/4, 2009 22. M. Mokhtar, S.N. Basahel, S.A. Al-Thabaiti ; “Modification of Surface and Catalytic Properties of Cu nanostructure Catalysts used in Methanol Synthesis and Steam Reforming”, Int. J. Nanoparticles Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2/3/4/5/6, 2009 23. M. Mokhtar, M.W. Kadi; “Physicochemical and texture properties of nanocrystalline ZnCo2O4 spinel and the effect of - irradiation on its sintering process”, J. Materials Technology Vol. 24, No. 2, 2009. 24. S. N. Basahel, S.A. Al-Thabaiti, A.Y.Obaid, M. Mokhtar and M. Abdelsalam; “ Chemical modification of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using different oxidizing Agents: optimization and characterization”, Int. J. Nanoparticles, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2/3/4/5/6, 2009 2010 25. M. Mokhtar, S. N. Basahel, Y.O. Al-Angary; “Nanosized spinel oxide catalysts for CO-oxidation prepared via CoMnMgAl quaternary hydrotalcite route”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 493 (2010) 376–384 26. S. N. Basahel, I. H. Abd El-Maksod, B. M. Abu-Zeid, M. Mokhtar; “Effect of Zr4+ doping on the stabilization of ZnCo-mixed oxide spinel system and its catalytic activity towards N2O decomposition”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 493 (2010) 630–635 27. M.A. Gabal, S.A. Al-Thabaiti, E.H. El-Mossalamy, M. Mokhtar, “Structural, magnetic and electrical properties of Ga-substituted NiCuZn nanocrystalline ferrite”, Ceramics International, 36, 4, (2010) 1339-1346 28. T. T. Ali, S. A. Al-Thabaiti, A. O. Alyoubi, M. Mokhtar, “Copper substituted heteropolyacid catalysts for the selective dehydration of ethanol”, J. Alloys and Compounds 496 (2010) 553–559 29. M. Abdel Salam, M. Mokhtar, S.N. Basahel, S.A. Al-Thabaiti, A.Y. Obaid, “Removal of chlorophenol from aqueous solutions by multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Kinetic and thermodynamic studies”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 500 (2010) 87-92 30. M. Mokhtar, A. Inayat, J. Ofili, W. Schwieger, “Thermal decomposition, gas phase hydration and liquid phase reconstruction in the system Mg/Al hydrotalcite/mixed oxide: A comparative study”, Applied Clay Science, 50 (2010) 176-181. 2011 31. M. Mokhtar, T.S. Saleh, N.S. Ahmed, S.A. Al-Thabaiti, R.A. Al- Shareef, “An eco-friendly N-sulfonylation of amines using stable and reusable Zn-Al hydrotalcite solid base catalyst under ultrasound irradiation”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 18 (2011) 172-176. 32. Maurice C. D. Mourad, Mohamed Mokhtar, Matthew G. Tucker, Emma R. Barney, Ronald I. Smith, Abdulrahaman O. Alyoubi, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Milo S. P. Shaffer and Neal T. Skipper, "Activation and local structural stability during the thermal decomposition of Mg/Al-hydrotalcite by total neutron scattering", J. Materials Chemistry, 21 (2011) 15479–15485. 2012 33. Mohamed Mokhtar, Tamer S. Saleh, Sulaiman N. Basahel, "Mg-Al Hydrotalcites as efficient catalysts for aza-Michael addition reaction: A green protocol", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 353– 354 (2012) 122– 131 34. Ainara Garcia-Gallastegui, Dianan Iruretagoyena, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Abdulrahaman O. Alyoubi, David Chadwick, Milo S. P. Shaffer, "Layered double hydroxides supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes: preparation and CO2 adsorption characteristics ", J. Materials Chemistry, 22, (2012) 13932– 1394 [Featured in journal front cover page] 35. Sulaiman N. Basahel, Tark T. Ali, K. Narasimha Rao, A. A. Bagabas, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Effect of iron oxide loading on the phase transformation and physicochemical properties of nanosized mesoporous ZrO2”, Materials Research Bulletin, 47 (2012) 3463-3472 36. Garcia Gallastegui, Ainara; Iruretagoyena, Diana; Gouvea, Veronica; Mokhtar, Mohamed; Asiri, Abdullah; Basahel, Sulaiman; Al-Thabaiti, Shaeel; Alyoubi, Abdulrahman; Chadwick, David; Shaffer, Milo, “Graphene Oxide as support for Layered Double Hydroxides: enhancing the CO2 sorption capacity", Chemistry of Materials, 24(2012) 4531-4539 2013 37. Mohamed Mokhtar M. Mostafa, K. Narasimha Rao, Huda S. Harun, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Islam H. Abd El-Maksod, “Synthesis and characterization of partially crystalline nano sized ZSM-5 zeolites”, Ceramics International, 39 (2013) 683-689. 38. Mokhtar, M., Basahel, S. N., & Ali, T. T, "Effect of Synthesis Methods for Mesoporous Zirconia on Its Structural and Textural Properties", Journal of Materials Science, 48 (2013) 2705–2713 39. Tamer S. Saleh, Katabathini Narasimharao, Nesreen S. Ahmed, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Mg–Al hydrotalcite as an efficient catalyst for microwave assisted regioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrilimines with the enaminone derivatives: A green protocol”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 367 (2013) 12–22 40. Katabathini Narasimharao,Mohamed Mokhtar , Sulaiman N. Basahel, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, “Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of nitridated magnesium silicate catalysts”, Journal of Materials Science, 48 (12) (2013) 4274-4283. 41. Yun-Peng Xie, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Mohamed Mokhtar, Thomas C.W. Mak, (2013) “An unusual silver-ethynide polymeric chain containing centrosymmetric Ag 14 cluster segments stabilized by mixed carboxylate ligands”, Inorganic Chemistry Communications 31 (2013) 54–57. 42. R.M.Mohamed, I.A. Mkhalid , S.A. Al-Thabaiti, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Nano Cu metal doped on TiO2-SiO2 nanoparticle catalysts in photocatalytic degradation of direct blue dye”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (2013) 4975-4980 43. Qingyun Qian, Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suliman N. Basahel, Hendrik van der Bij, Bert M. Weckhuysen, “Single-Particle Spectroscopy on Large SAPO-34 Crystals at Work: Methanol-to-Olefins vs. Ethanol-to- Olefins”, Chemistry A European Journal, 19 (2013) 11204-11215. 44. Katabathini Narasimharao, Ebtisam Al-Sabban, Tamer Saleh, Ainara Garcia Gallastegui, , Almudena Celaya Sanfiz, Sulaiman Basahel, Shaeel Al-Thabaiti, Abdulrahman Alyoubi, Abdullah Obaid, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Microwave assisted efficient protocol for the classic Ullmann homocoupling reaction using Cu-Mg-Al hydrotalcite catalysts”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical , 379 (2013) 152-162. 2014 45. Mohamed Mokhtar, Sulaiman Basahel, Tarek T. Ahmed, “Ethanol to hydrocarbons using silver substituted polyoxometalates: Physicochemical and catalytic study”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20 (2014) 46–53. 46. K. Narasimharao, M. Ahmed Malik, M. M. Mokhtar, S. Basahel, S. Al-Thabaiti, “Iron oxide supported sulfated TiO2 nanotube catalysts for NO reduction with propane”, Ceramics International, 40 (2014) 4039-4053. 47. Sulaiman N. Basahel, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Katabathini Narasimharao, Nesreen S. Ahmed, Mohamed Mokhtar “Nanostructured Mg-Al Hydrotalcite: A benign Efficient Alternative to the Homogeneous Catalysts in the Synthesis of Fine Chemicals”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(2)(2014)1931-1945. [REVIEW ARTICLE] 48. Qingyun Qian, Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suliman N. Basahel, Bert M. Weckhuysen, “Single-Particle Spectroscopy of Alcohol-to- Olefins over SAPO-34 at Different Reaction Stages: Crystal Accessibility and Hydrocarbons Reactivity”,ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 772 – 783 [Featured in journal as VIP] 49. Qingyun Qian, Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suliman N. Basahel, Bert M. Weckhuysen, “Single-catalyst particle spectroscopy of alcohol-to-olefinsconversions: Comparison between SAPO-34 and SSZ-13”, Catalysis Today, 226 (2014) 14–24 50. Kongzhao Su, Feilong Jiang, Jinjie Qian, Kang Zhou, Jiandong Pang, Sulaiman Basahel, Mohamed Mokhtar, Shaeel A. AL-Thabaiti, Maochun Hong, “Calix[4]arene-Based Clusters with μ9-Carbonato-Bridged CoII9 Cores” , Inorganic Letters, 1(1) (2014) 1-8. 51. Jayita Bandyopadhyay, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suprakas Sinha Ray, Sulaiman Nassir Basahel , Mohamed Mokhtar, “ Unique Cold-Crystallization Behavior and Kinetics of Biodegradable Poly[(butylene succinate)-co adipate] Nanocomposites: A High Speed Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, doi: 10.1002/mame.201300359 52. Tarek T. Ali, Katabathini Narasimharao, Nesreen S. Ahmed, Sulaiman Basahel, Shaeel Al-Thabaiti, Mohamed Mokhtar,"Nanosized iron and nickel oxide zirconia supported catalysts for benzylation of benzene: Role of metal oxide - support interaction", Applied catalysis A: Gen., 486 (2014) 19-31. 53. Abdulaziz A. Bagabas, Mohamed Mokhtar, Vagif M. Akhmedov, Katabathini Narasimharao, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Abdulrahman Al-Rabiah, “Ru-C-ZnO composite catalysts for the synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone via single step gas phase acetone self-condensation”, Catalysis Letters ,DOI 10.1007/s10562-014-1253-1. 54. Kong-Zhao Su, Feilong Jiang, Jinjie Qian, Yanli Gai, Ming-yan Wu, Salem Mohammed Bawaked, Mohamed Mokhtar, Shaeel A. AL-Thabaiti, and Mao-Chun Hong, Generalized Synthesis of Calixarene-Based High-Nuclearity M4n Nanocages (M = Ni or Co; n = 2-6) , Cryst. Growth Des., DOI: 10.1021/cg5003836 Accepted Papers 55. Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suprakas Sinha Ray, Sulaiman Nassir Basahel, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Viscoelastic Properties of Poly[(butylene succinate)-co-adipate] Nanocomposites”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, doi:10.1166/jnn.2014.9146 56. Robert Menzel, Suelen Barg, Salem M. Bawaked, Mohamed Mokhtar, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Eduardo Saiz Guiterrez, Milo S. P. Shaffer, “Joule Heating Characteristics of Emulsion-Templated Graphene Aerogels” ,Advanced Functional Materials, xx(2014)xx 57. Jie Pan, Fei-Long Jiang, Ming-Yan Wu, Lian Chen, Yan-Li Gai, Salem M. Bawaked, Mohamed Mokhtar, Shaeel A. AL-Thabaiti, and Mao-Chun Hong, “A Series of d10 Metal Clusters Constructed by 2,6-Bis[3-(pyrazin-2-yl)- 1,2,4-triazolyl]pyridine: Crystal Structures and Unusual Luminescences”, Cryst. Growth & Des., 58. Kongzhao Su, Feilong Jiang, Jinjie Qian,Jiandong Pang, Shaeel A. AL-Thabaiti, Salem M. Bawaked, Mohamed Mokhtar, Qihui Chen , Maochun Hong,”Alkali-Metal-Templated Assembly of Two High-Nuclearity Cobalt Clusters Based on Thiacalix[4]arene”, Crystal Growth & Design 2015 59. S. A. Al-Thabaiti, Sinha Ray, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Multi-functional Nanobiocomposites of Poly[(butylenes succinate)-co-adipate] and Clay”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, volume 15, Number 3, March 2015, pp. 2446-2450(5) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 1. S. N. Basahel , E. H. El-Mossalamy , M. Mokhtar; “Preparation and physicochemical characterization of thermally stable nano-sized hopcalite catalysts” The International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICON008) 17 – 19 June 2008, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2. M. Mokhtar, S.N.Basahel, S.A.A Thabaiti ; “Modification of Surface and Catalytic Properties of Cu nanostructure Catalysts used in Methanol Synthesis and Steam Reforming” The International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICON008) 17 – 19 June 2008, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3. S. N. Basahel, S.A. Al-thabaiti, A.Y.Obaid, M. Mokhtar , M.Abdelsalam; “Chemical Modification of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Different Oxidizing Agents: Optimization and Characterization” The International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICON008) 17 – 19 June 2008, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4. M. Mokhtar, J. Ofili, W. Schwieger; “Synthetic Mg/Al-hydrotalcites: in-situ XRD studies of thermal decomposition and gas-phase hydration”; Die 21. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung (DZT), Christian-Albrechts-Universität , Kiel, March 4- 6, 2009, Germany. 5. S. N. Basahel, M. Abdel Salam, M. Mokhtar, S. A. Al Thabaiti, A. Y. Obaid, “Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of 2,3-dichlorophenol removal by pristine multi-walled carbon nanotubes from aqueous solution”, The Taibah International Chemistry Conference (TICC-2009) Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah March 23 -25, 2009, KSA. 6. S. N. Basahel, M. Mokhtar, T. T. Ali, A. Bagabas, I. H. Abd El Maksod, “Nanosized Mesoporous Fe / Zr Composite Oxide Catalysts I. Preparation and Characterization”, International Workshop on Advanced Materials (IWAM 2010) Ras Al Khaimah 21-23 February, 2010, UAE. 7. Ebtissam Al-Sabban , S. N. Basahel, M. Mokhtar, “Nano sized Nickel and Copper Layered Hydrotalcite Catalysts For the Sonochemical Synthesis of Pyrazolo [1,5-a] Pyrimidine Derivative: I. Structural Characterization”, III International Workshop Layered Materials: Design and Function, 14th – 15th May 2010 Bochum, Germany. 8. M. Mokhtar , S. N. Basahel, I. H. Abd-Elmaksod, T.S. Saleh, “ Nanosized Mg/Al- Hydrotalcites as Catalysts using Microwave Assisted Echofriendly for rapid Synthesis of Pyrazolo [1,5 a] Pyrimidine Derivatives” , 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference , 15-18 June 2010, Izmir (IYTE), Turkey. 9. Abdulaziz Bagabas, Mohamed Mostafa, Vagif Akhmedov, Mohamed Ashanqiti, Faez AL-Otaibi “ One-Step Gas-Phase Acetone Condensation Over Nano-Ruthenium/ Activated Charcoal/ Nano-Zinc Oxide: Part I-Effect of Acetone Flow Rate on Catalytic Properties”, 8th International Conference & Exhibition on Chemistry in Industry (Chemindix) ,Gulf International Convention Center Gulf Hotel, October 18-20, 2010, Kingdom of Bahrain. 10. Abdulaziz Bagabas, Mohamed Mokhtar, Vagif Akhmedov, “One-Step Gas-Phase Acetone Condensation Over Nano-Ruthenium/ Activated Charcoal/ Nano-Zinc Oxide: Part III-Effect of Temperature on Catalytic Properties”, EuropaCat X; Glasgow University, 28 August-2 Sept 2011, Glasgow, Scotland. 11. Ainara Garcia-Gallastegui, Diana Iruretagoyena, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah Asiri, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi, David Chadwick, Milo S. P. Shaffer, " Graphene Oxide supported Layered Double Hydroxides for CO2 capture applications" , Graphene 2012, April 10-13, Brussels, Belgium. 12. Ainara Garcia-Gallastegui, Mourad M. M., Celaya Sanfiz A., Mokhtar M., Asiri A., Basahel S. N., Al-Thabaiti S. A., Alyoubi A. O., Skipper N., Shaffer M. S. P., “Aerogels based on cross-linked carbon nanotube scaffolds, Euromat 2011 – European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes”, September 2011, France. 13. Ainara Garcia-Gallastegui, Diana Iruretagoyena, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Sulaiman N. Basahel, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi, David Chadwick, and Milo S. P. Shaffer, “ Graphene Oxide/Carbon nanotube supported Layered Double Hydroxides for CO2 capture applications” ChemOnTubes, April 2012, France. 14. Q. Qian, J. Ruiz-Martínez, M. Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, S. A. Al-Thabaiti, S. N. Basahel, B. M. Weckhuysen, “Kinetics of alcohols conversion on individual large SAPO-34 crystals studied by in-situ micro-spectroscopic techniques”, SynFuel2012 Symposium, June 29-30, Munich, Germany 15. A. Bagabas, A. Alshammari, A. AlSayigh, A. AL-Fahad, V. Akhmedov, Baku, M. Mostafa, A. AL-Rabiah, “Highly selective one-step gas-phase synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone over supported Pd nanoparticles on nanocrystalline zinc chromite”, 15th International Congress on Catalysis 2012 , July 1-6, Munich, Germany. 16. S. Reuß, P.S. Singh, K. Franz, M.M. Mostafa, W. Schwieger, “The stepwise template decomposition in zeolite BEA membranes: Synthesis, properties and their effect on their separation performance”, 12th International Conference on Inorganic Materials 2012, July 9-13, Enschede, The Netherlands 17. Tarek T. Ali, E. Alsharaeh, H. Mahmoud, S. Basahel, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Nanocomposite copper oxide supported mesoporous zirconia: Physicochemical properties”, Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, 3-7 March, 2013, Sorrento (near Naples), Italy. 18. Qingyun Qian, Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suliman N. Basahel and Bert M. Weckhuysen, “Single-Particle Spectroscopy of Large SAPO-34 Crystals at Work: Methanol-to-Olefins vs. Ethanol-to-Olefins”, Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, 11-13March, 2013 , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands 19. Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Qingyun Qian, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Suliman N. Basahel and Bert M. Weckhuysen, “ Combined in-situ UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy revealing the chemistry of the intermediates during methanol-to-olefins reaction”, Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference ,11-13 March, 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands 20. Abdulaziz Bagabas, Ahmad Alshammari, Mohamed Mokhtar, Emad Addurihem, Muhamad AL-Abdussalam, “Effect of Synthesis Medium on the Characters of Chromium(III) hydroxide and Chromia Nanoparticles”, Chemistry of Energy and Food: 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition-New Orleans, LA. April 7-11, 2013 21. Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Qingyun Qian, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah M. Asiri, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti,Suliman N. Basahel , Bert M. Weckhuysen, “Evolution of the Methanol-to-Olefins Intermediates Revealed by a Combined in-situ-UV-vis and IR Approach”, XIth European Congress in Catalysis; Sept. 1-6, 2013, Lyon, France. 22. Mohamed Mokhtar, Tarek T. Ali, K. Narasimharao, Tamer S. Saleh, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Sulaiman N. Basahel International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition (PPM 2013), 3-6, September, Izmir, Turkey 23. Katabathinin Narasimharao, Tarek Ali, Sulaiman Basahel, Shaeel Al-Thabaiti, Mohamed Mokhtar, “Nanosized gold supported catalysts for catalytic oxidative cracking of propane”, NANOTECH DUDAI 2013, 28-30, October, Dubai, UAE. 24. Martina de Marco, Robert Menzel, Salem M. Bawaked, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah Y. Obaid, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi,Sulaiman N. Basahel, David Chadwick, Milo S.P Shaffer, “Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Oxide Networks As Supports For CO2 Adsorbers”, Chem’On Tubes 2014, March 30th - April 3rd, Riva del Garda, Italy. 25. Robert Menzel, S. Barg, Martina de Marco, Salem M. Bawaked, Mohamed Mokhtar, Abdullah Y. Obaid, Shaeel A. Al-Thabaiti, Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi,Sulaiman N. Basahel, David Chadwick, Milo S.P Shaffer, “Nanostructured Carbon Networks as Electrically Heatable Support for Layered Double Hydroxides”, Chem’On Tubes 2014, March 30th - April 3rd, Riva del Garda, Italy.
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Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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thank you a lot Dr.Mohammed
Thanks for accepting me as your friend. Hertreogenous catalysis and Nanoporous materials are really interesting field of research. During my Ph.D I did little work on nanoporous silica and alumina. I wanted to know did you work on applications of any nanoporous materials for hydrogen storage or fuel cells so far. Since nanotechnology has become such a vast and interdisciplinary area i think much knowledge can be achieved by mutual discussions. Although I am a physicist , from optoelectronic devices now I have moved to proteomics area.
Have a nice day.
Dr.Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Mostafa i am V. Tharmaraj working in nanocatalysis, Synthesis of Clay/Zeolite interrcalated metal and metal nanoparticles using organic reactions, i have sent friend request please accept and help for my research carrier.
thank you