




February 15

I am...

Chemist, Student

My research field or area of interest innanotechnology

Photo catalysis and Photo voltaic , Solar Cells .

Interest in...

Photo catalysis for Nano particle and Organic Photo voltaic /Solar Cells Applications ,Porphyrin /POM based Donor acceptor Assemblies.

Publication list

1- Electrosynthesis and electrochemical properties of porphyrin dimers with pyridinium as bridging spacer. Delphine Schaming, Iftikhar Ahmed, and Laurent Ruhlmann ( New J. Chem., 2011, Advance Article) DOI: 10.1039/C1NJ20177H. 2- Easy methods for the electropolymerization of porphyrins based on the oxidation of the macrocycles. Delphine Schaming, Iftikhar Ahmed and Laurent Ruhlmann, (Electrochimica Acta) doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2011.02.064

Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name

TEMiC , Electron transfer through condensed matter , LCP, Universite de Paris sud 11, Orsay ,France .

Researchgroup, Institute, Company, University, School webpage

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