My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Amphiphilic dendrimers for catalytic applications
Interest in...
Dendrimers, Nanoparticle catalyst, energy storage
Publication list
- M. Konai, I. Pakrudheen, N. Sharma, K. Tabbasum, P. Garg and J. Haldar, Cyclam-based Antibacterial Molecule Eradicates Gram-negative Superbugs with Potent Efficacy against Human Corneal Infection, Chemical Communications, 56 (2020) 2147-2150. (IF:6.222)
- Pakrudheen, A. Najitha Banu, E. Murugan, Cationic amphiphilic dendrimers with tunable hydrophobicity shows in vitro activity, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 16 (4) (2018) 1513-1519. (IF:9.027)
- Murugan, I. Pakrudheen, Efficient amphiphilic poly(propylene imine) dendrimer encapsulated ruthenium nanoparticles for sensing and catalysis applications, Science of Advanced Materials, 7 (2015) 891-901. (IF:1.474)
- Murugan, I. Pakrudheen, New amphiphilic poly(quaternary ammonium) dendrimer catalyst for effective reduction of Citronellal, Applied Catalysis A: General, 439-440 (2012) 142-148. (IF:5.706)
- Murugan, R. Rangasamy, I. Pakrudheen, Efficient amphiphilic poly(propylene imine) dendrimer stabilized gold nanoparticle catalysts for aqueous phase reduction of nitrobenzene, Science of Advanced Materials, 4 (2012) 1103 -1110. (IF:1.474)
- Murugan, I. Pakrudheen, G. Gomathi, Amphiphilic dendrimer stabilized Ag, Pd and Pt homogeneous nanoparticle catalysts and their catalysis for the reduction of methyl orange, IEEE Xplore Proc., (2011) 35-39.
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CMR Institute of Technology
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