December 1
I am...
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Textile Technology M.Sc. Tehran Polytechnic Informed In Nanotechnology.
Interest in...
Nanotechnology Energy- Solar Cell- Fuel Cell - Battery Filtration and Separation Biomimetics Nanocomposites
Publication list
Nanomaterial, Properties, Proccess and Application. 2008 , 2009 2nd edition Bionanotechnology, 2009, I had no experimental work in Nanotechnology because I have a long term program. My M.Sc project : MicroFiltration by Woven Fabrics.
Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)
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Narosa Publishing House is pleased to announce the release of
Principles of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
M. A. Shah
Tokeer Ahmad
of course ı can help you
what do you wanna learn exactly?
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Nano-emulsion is some time referred to as miniemulsion or ultrafine emulsion. this is mainly appplicable on oil-water emulsion or water-oil emulsion. In both emulsions, droplet size range are between 50-250 nm. nano-emulsions possess stability against sedimentation or creaming
Jafar Al-Hakkak
Thanks for your comment on Plant nanotech discussion
actually plants can synthesize nanoparticles even in living and nonliving condition.
and these nanoparticles can be used for several nanotech operations.
for nanocomposites
Did you visit our website ? We are a Nanotechnology service provider for the textile industry. You can check those Nano applications in our website.
Best regards,
Charlie Chow
If you have good contacts in the textile and garments, carpet industry in your area, we can work together to provide the treatment service using our Nano material.
Charlie Chow