internship/training on synthesis of nano organic fibers
hi,I am a research scholar and i am looking for any internships/ training for the synthesis of nano organic fibers. Can Anyone suggest me any companies or laboratories who will accept students for internships/training.
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American Scientific Publishers (ASP) - LAUNCHES NEW JOURNAL “ADVANCED CARBON”
ASP has recently launched its new journal called “Advanced Carbon” which is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary international journal publishing original and high-quality articles, short communications, critical reviews, case studies etc, covering a wide range of topics in carbon related science and engineering.
Authors can get the submission guidelines and submit their manuscript at
No publication fees.
The authors will be informed on the decision within four (4) weeks after submission, and following acceptance, the article will be published in the journal’s next issue.
Impact factor of this journal is awaited.
Looking forward to your submission.
Editorial Team
Welcome all,
iSeS Egypt Company in cooperation with Nakaa Nanotechnology Network are organizing the international Conference:
“Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy: tools of success in the coming Era”
25 -27 October 2013 in Cairo, Egypt
The conference will take place over 3 days, and will be divided into sections that allow focusing on the conference topics.
Call for Oral and Poster Session Abstracts
The Conference will consist of invited oral presentations, oral presentations and poster presentations selected from abstracts. We are now accepting applications for oral and poster presentations.
Authors will be notified of the selection results. Submissions for presentations should include an abstract of no more than 350 words
Written in Times new roman size 12
It must Include its:
Category name
Author name
and all written in bold 14 Times new roman.
Poster instructions:
Poster must be 1m length x 0.5m width
On your posters, please include:
Authors – denote presenting author with *
A reception to view and discuss posters will be held during the first day of the conference.
Abstracts should support one of the topics listed below:
• Nanotechnology and its applications:
1. Medicine
2. Pharmacy
3. Dentistry
4. Biotechnology
5. Diagnosis and imaging
6. Cancer therapy
7. Microbiology
8. Water treatment
9. Agriculture
10. Nanophysics
11. Nanochemistry
12. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc) and industry
13. Nanoinformatics
14. Nanotoxicology
15. Radiology and Radiotherapy
• Biotechnology and its applications:
15. Medicine
16. Pharmacy
17. Stem Cells trails
18. Diagnosis and imaging
19. Cancer therapy
20. Microbiology
21. Water treatment
22. Agriculture and food industry
23. Veterinary Medicine and Marine sciences
24. Bioinformatics
• Spectroscopy and its applications:
25. Medicine
26. Pharmacy
27. Dentistry
28. Biotechnology
29. Diagnosis and imaging
30. Cancer therapy
31. Microbiology
32. Water treatment
33. Agriculture
34. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc)
35. Nanotechnology
36. Materials Science
37. industry
Deadline to send abstracts to is 10 September 2013.
• Registration Fees
Please vist the conference websites for more details:
Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN
Mobile: 01115831621
Welcome ,
We would like to inform you about the new updates concerning the Nanotechnology international workshop I WIN Egypt 2013
1- The workshop will be held in Cataract pyramids 5 stars hotel in Giza in great Cairo, Egypt.
Cataract Pyramids Resort has unique location, beautiful panorama of the great Pyramids, surrounded with farms and green grace peaceful.
The resort, 5 star international standard hotel, is located on the road to Sakkara towards the oldest made structure - The step Pyramids of Sakkara, and less than 40 minutes from Cairo International airport.
Shuttle Buses will be available for Egyptian attendees for 7 pounds per person per day ( Children up to 10 years old are free) to transport them from Cairo University main door at 7: 30 am to the Hotel at the beginning of the conference days and back again to Cairo University at the end of the days.
Our conference guests and attendees will all enjoy the Open buffet Coffee break and the great open buffet lunch in one of the greatest restaurants in the Hotel every day during the conference days.
For any one who would like to book accommodation in the hotel can book through us and contact the hotel.
Single room for foreigner/day costs 34$ including service and tax
Single room for egyptian/ day costs 200 EP including service and tax
For more information about the venue, please visit the hotel website:
2- Some of our speakers and poster presenters have been published in the workshop and more speakers and poster presenters will be published later on.
3-If you are interested to share your abstract in the conference, you can still send your abstract till 23 March 2013.
4- For Foreign PhD students and Master students, we present 10 partial scholarships on both poster and oral presentations where registration fees will be discounted by 40% This is will be applied for those who will sent their abstracts from today till 23 March 2013 only on basis of first received first takes the scholarship
Best regards
-- --
Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN
Mobile: 002 01115831621
Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN would like to invite you to be members in its International Network for free.
Please visit our website and register yourself as a member
using :
Your true full triple name
your country
your category
a suitable profile picture.
we hope you will enjoy your free membership.
Best Regards
I really inspired by Nanotechnology New Era in our World but may there is a translations in multilingualism difficulties will appeared to reflect Nanotech knowledge to all people.I believe that through inspiring is discovery; I was glad that Nanotechnology Term translated into nice term in my language Arabic called التقنيات متناهية !!!الصغر"النانو would we all did it through other languages perfectly?! Linguistic expertise are most wanted to do the best:)
Just send us an email containing:
1- Your full triple name
2- Your position
3-Your mobile
4-your email
Subject of email:NNNano-cinema show عرض نقاء السنيمائي لتقنية النانو
email message: I want to attend
Identify if you will participate with a poster or not.
Deadline to register by sending an email to us is 25 January 2013
Also, "phase One" of ( Nakaa nanotechnology live poster competition ) will be held that day for posters about Nanotechnology
For poster participants: please send your abstracts of about 250 words to our down mentioned email.
Dead line to send your abstracts is: 20 Jan. 2013 to
The following items must be included within the abstract:
• Title
• Category as an NNN member if you are a member and non-members are also welcome to participate
• Author true name
• Country
• Nationality
• Position
• Affiliation
• Email
Note: a maximum of 3 persons can participate in one poster
poster dimensions are 1m x1m to be delivered early during the day
First 10 Winners in this phase will participate in a phase two competition and will be awarded prizes
Great Surprise !
If You are interested to Join our poster competition as a poster presenter but you are facing problems in getting a visa to Egypt, or your financial state doesn't support or help you to travel to Egypt and attend ,
Now you can but How?
Now, You can share a poster presentation without the need for Traveling to Egypt, or from a governrate to another inside Egypt.
You can send your abstract beside Your poster presentation design to be presented in the event and we will print your poster and hang it in the poster area.
The Fees you need to pay will be as follows:
35 USD For Foreigners
75 EGP For Egyptians inside Egypt in other governrate
75 EGP For Egyptians outside Egypt
Payment: (the fees include the Certificate price)
fees are to be paid to:
Account name: ISES Egypt
Account number: 24704
Bank name: Faisal Islamic bank of Egypt
Bank branch: Dokkii branch
Bank address: 9 Adel Rostom street from Nile street - Dokkii
For live attendance:(the fees include the Certificate price)
Ticket price to watch movies is : 35 L.E.
Ticket price to watch movies and share us with a poster is : 50 L.E.
*** All ages and specialties are invited to attend this event SO .. Spread the word everywhere ...
For more info.
Please Call:
Dr. Wesam Ahmed Tawfik ( 01115831621)
or Dr. Sherine Salem (01011538664)
OR send us an e-mail at :
< >
Also if there is any academic institution or university that would like to host this event,sponsor it or such alike, kindly please contact us at these contacts too ..
Attention all NANO-ELECTRONICS researchers and enthusiasts !! What kind of innovative digital products will future nano-electronics enable in the year 2020 ?
A chance to have your say about future nanoelectronics development, please give your opinion at the link below..
Thanks to all
Hi everyone...
I have done my master's in nanoelectronics from SASTRA University INDIA... I want to know any available positions in the feild of computational nanoelectronics.....