
  • No. but I'll search about this. I studied now some Persian texts about that. I find a text belong to 12 century ago, I think this idea is better to be studied.
    there is no English version of that I think.
    important notice of this book is that the creator of this idea see all facts under a unit umbrella, all things is under one order. all structures is created by one person. in this view plants are complicated machines created by a unit creator. in that view, human is only excellent creation that is wise and has Intellect and wisdom. other thinks run by tools made by that same creator.
    I'm a Muslim and know this.
    About plants
    plants are factories in miscellaneous cases.
    in this book is written about plants created by one creator, each plant does a special work. you see plants are created to solve a distinct disease, some for heart

    , some for gripes, some for kidney, some for headache and so.
    so each plant make some distinct property show distinct material in nano or smaller scales. we don't know.
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