This group has been created with the interest to discuss and to present diverse nanotechnology business opportunities, commercial and innovating products across multiple sectors.
56 Members

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    Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN
    Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN. 8.1K likes. The Official Facebook Page of NNN Website Youtube…
  • NNN an Affiliate of Naqaa Foundation of scientific Research, Technology and developments would like to invite all of those who are interested in Nanotechnology to attend a Seminar about " Introduction to Nanotechnology and its General applications at Naqaa FoundationFaisal branch, Faisal street on Saturday 15 August 2015 from
    11:30 am till 2:30 pm which will contain lectures in
    1. Introduction to Nanotechnology.
    2. Nanotechnology and its General applications
    3. فقرة مفتوحة عن أين وكيف يمكنك دراسة تقنية النانو
    Seminar will be presented by Pharmacist Wesam Ahmed Tawfik, president of NNN
    Coffee break and Refreshments will be served during the day
    please call at 0111 58 31 6 21 for more information
    To register to the seminar , Just send us an email containing:

    1- Your full triple name

    2- Your position

    3-Your mobile

    4-your email

    Subject of email: 22nd NNNano day: Introduction to Nanotechnology and its general applications

    email message: I want to attend 

    Attendance is not free and low fees (55 L.E.) is required for the certificate ( obligatory ).Fees are to be paid by Vodaphone Cash at 01068084508 Deadline for registration by fees payment is 5August 2015. Attendance will be limited to 30 persons only. certificates are provided by NNN 
    Certificate will be received after the seminar.

    Best regards
    for more information please contact or mobile 01115831621

  • 3440154709?profile=original

  • What are the nano-products that can be produced industrially ? Is there any method producing nano-metals at the industrial scale ? Please come-up with business proposals that fit at the industrial level. I dont want any research stuff.

  • Welcome all,


    iSeS Egypt Company in cooperation with Nakaa Nanotechnology Network are organizing the international Conference:


    “Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy: tools of success in the coming Era”


    25 -27 October 2013 in Cairo, Egypt


    The conference will take place over 3 days, and will be divided into sections that allow focusing on the conference topics.


    Call for Oral and Poster Session Abstracts


    The Conference will consist of invited oral presentations, oral presentations and poster presentations selected from abstracts. We are now accepting applications for oral and poster presentations.


    Authors will be notified of the selection results. Submissions for presentations should include an abstract of no more than 350 words


    Written in Times new roman size 12


    It must Include its:


    Category name




    Author name








    and all written in bold 14 Times new roman.


    Poster instructions:


    Poster must be 1m length x 0.5m width


    On your posters, please include:




    Authors – denote presenting author with *


    A reception to view and discuss posters will be held during the first day of the conference.


    Abstracts should support one of the topics listed below:


    • Nanotechnology and its applications:


    1. Medicine


    2. Pharmacy


    3. Dentistry


    4. Biotechnology


    5. Diagnosis and imaging


    6. Cancer therapy


    7. Microbiology


    8. Water treatment


    9. Agriculture


    10. Nanophysics


    11. Nanochemistry


    12. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc) and industry


    13. Nanoinformatics


    14. Nanotoxicology


    15. Radiology and Radiotherapy


    • Biotechnology and its applications:


    15. Medicine


    16. Pharmacy


    17. Stem Cells trails


    18. Diagnosis and imaging


    19. Cancer therapy


    20. Microbiology


    21. Water treatment


    22. Agriculture and food industry


    23. Veterinary Medicine and Marine sciences


    24. Bioinformatics


    • Spectroscopy and its applications:


    25. Medicine


    26. Pharmacy


    27. Dentistry


    28. Biotechnology


    29. Diagnosis and imaging


    30. Cancer therapy


    31. Microbiology


    32. Water treatment


    33. Agriculture


    34. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc)


    35. Nanotechnology


    36. Materials Science


    37. industry


    Deadline to send abstracts to is 30 August 2013




    • Registration Fees


    Please vist the conference websites for more details:


    Best Regards



    Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN




    Mobile: 01115831621

  • Hello Group Members,

    I am interested in collaboration with companies wanting to launch their nanomaterials and products in PAKISTAN on a mutual benefit basis. I can help you out with business research and your marketing activities.

    Please contact us at our email id


  • Welcome to the International conference ICNBS Egypt website:

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Hello,nanodoug here, I have been on the internet with since 1996!So it is well known. I have connections with the leaders of Nanotechnology. I would like to make nanoquest the world center for I am willing and wanting to connect with India about this. I am waiting , make me an offer :Demail me at nanodoug@yahoo.comthanks

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3 Replies · Reply by nanodoug Jan 23


Neo Eco Systems & Software Ltd. Pvt.was founded in Dehradun,Uttarakhand, India, in 2007. We are a leading nanomaterials company,involved in all aspects of the business: manufacturing, research anddevelopment, processing, supplying and marketing of nanostructuredmaterials and their dispersions.Nowadays the technology of usagenanopowders is innovating and concerns more and more new spheres in newengineering science.Present temp of nanopowders’ development enjoinus on cooperation with…

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0 Replies

NanoSolutions 2008 Event - "special offer" for start-up companies

Europe s largest Nano-Event 2008 - in the framework of "nanotech+material week frankfurt"technologies • integrations • products11th -13th November 2008 Messe Frankfurt, Hall 4.1, GermanyWhat can Nano do for my business?Nanotechnology and its effects are positioned at the very beginning of a complex value creation chain. Only with their integration into other material systems commercial products of our everyday life are being created. NanoSolutions 2008 presents the complete value creation…

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1 Reply

Looking for nanotechnology products

We are looking for nanotechnology companies who like to publish nanotechnology products in our nanotechnology database. This is a good advertising opportunity for nanotechnology materials, commercial products, process engineering and services. We like to prepare the largest database in this area. Our service is free. We are in Germany the largest nanotechnology portal with a focus on nanotechnology products.Interest? Please contact me or register your product description directly…

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7 Replies