About NANOacademia.com: www.nanoacademia.com– Nanoacademia is a global portal about nanotechnology which founded to ease and continuous access to latest news of nanoscience. Nanoacademia publishes the most important nanotechnology news and includes exclusive sections for nano specialists, directories of research institutes and companies around the world, events, job opportunities, nanotechnology degree programs, books and videos. Hasan Beigi, MS Nanotechnology |
The International NanoScience Community, leading social network of nanotechnology researchers, students, industrial partners and users started collaboration with the new global nanotech database NANOacademia. The main goal of the partnership is to bring on the Internet a better overview about nanosciences. WebPages, edited by individuals, András Paszternák (Nanopaprika.eu - Hungary) and Hasan Beigi (Nanoacademia.com - India) have the same inspiration to create connections between scientists across the world. “I started Nanopaprika as a PhD student in 2007. After I heard about Hassan’s – who is now a PhD student - new portal, it was clear for me, that we need to join our efforts. There is lot of similarity between us; we both are addicted to nanotechnology. With this partnership we can show that researchers coming from different cultures, like Eastern-Europe and Asia can find the connecting language in Sciences.” – told András Paszternák, founder of Nanopaprika. “There is no doubt that nanotechnology is one of the most interesting sciences in the 21stcentury. Nanotechnology is a promising solution for energy, medicine, environment etc. Many research groups around the globe devote their efforts in this area. Nanopaprika is one of the best nanotechnology communities in the World Wide Web brings together nanotechnologists. The collaboration between Nanopaprika and Nanoacademia is a great opportunity for me, thanks to Dr. András Paszternák for this partnership.” – reflect Hasan Beigi, editor of NANOacademia. The integrated social network-database can be reach at http://www.nanopaprika.eu/nanoacademia