


Madurai, Tamilnadu


March 18

I am...


My research field or area of interest innanotechnology

Preparation of nanocatalyst

Interest in...

Organic synthesis using nano catalyst

Publication list

J.Shanmugapriya,,Anti microbial and anti microbial activities of some natural products,National Conference On Recent Advances In Chemistry,2009 J.Shanmugapriya,,Synthesis and characterization of cofe204 spinal oxide,Nano Material for Energy Harvesting (NAMEH),December ,2009 J.Shanmugapriya,,Synthesis of Gem-dobromoalkylarenes and their application in aldehyde synthesis,National Level Seminar On Pioneering Areas in Chemistry,2010 J.Shanmugapriya,,Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions within Clay Interlayers. Dimerisation of Indene,International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Environment,2010 J.Shanmugapriya,,Magnetic behaviour of nano sized cofe204 spinal oxide,National Conference On Recent Advances in Magnetic Materials and Applications (MAGMA),January, 2010

Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name

Madurai Kamaraj University

Researchgroup, Institute, Company, University, School webpage

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