November 22
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1. E. S. Barca, A. G. PLĂIAȘU, M. Abrudeanu, B. Istrate, D. Luca, C. Munteanu, Study of the plasma deposition of Al2O3 powder on an internal combustion engine piston, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 17 Issue: 9-10, 2015, Pages: 1522-1527. 2. A.-G. PLĂIAŞU, Carmen Mihaela Topală, Alice Dinu, Mărioara Abrudeanu, Claudiu Suțan, COOPER OXIDES NANOPOWDRES: SYNTHESIS BY S.P.V.D. AND CHARACTERISATION, Revista de Chimie, Vol. 10, 2015, 1636-1368. 3. A. G. PLĂIAȘU, A. Dinu, D. Negrea, V. Rizea, M.M. Dicu, D. Bojin, M. Abrudeanu, J. C. Monty, M. Enachescu, E.S. Barca, C. Munteanu, Synthesis and microstructural characterization of nanostructured CuO particles, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 17 Issue: 7-8, 2015, Pages: 1080-1085. 4. A.-G. PLĂIAŞU, M. ABRUDEANU, M.M. DICU, C.MONTY, Elaboration and nanostructural study of pure and Al doped ZnO nanopowders, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol.16, Issue 9-10, 2014, pp.1116-1120. 5. Constantin BUBULINCĂ, Marioara ABRUDEANU, Sergiu STANCIU, Adriana-Gabriela PLĂIAŞU, Michel GREDIAC, The capacity of recovery of shape memory and the mechanical comportament of Cu-22, 63Zn-6,44Al, pag. 9-14, Metalurgia International Special Issue vol. XIX no. 2 (2013), ISSN 1582 – 2214, FI 0,084. 6. M. M. DICU, M. ABRUDEANU, S. MOGA, C. BUBULINCĂ, A. G. PLĂIAŞU, Researches concerning the titania coatings formed on titanium by plasma electrolytic oxidation, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS – RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 7, No. 5-6, May - June 2013, p. 402 – 405, FI 0,402, 7. C. BUBULINCĂ , X. BALANDRAUD, M. GREDIAC, S. STANCIU, M. ABRUDEANU, A.- G. PLAIAȘU, M. M. DICU, E. L. NIȚU, Study of Cu-Al-Be shape memory alloy amplitude variation of temperature with the infrared camera, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 15, No. 5- 6, May – June 2013, p. 544 – 549, FI 0,516, 8. M.-T. POPESCU, A.-G. PLĂIAŞU, M. ABRUDEANU, N. POPA, R.-N. DOBRESCU, J. DENAPE, M. DICU, Tribological characterisation of NiP and NiP/TALC layers, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 15, No. 5- 6, May – June 2013, p. 595 – 600, FI 0,516, 9. M.-T. POPESCU, A.-G. PLĂIAŞU, M. ABRUDEANU, R.-N. DOBRESCU, N. POPA, J. ALEXIS, M.M. DICU, Elaboration and structural characterization of NiP/TALC layers, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 15, No. 7-8, May – June 2013, p. 635 – 638, FI 0,516, 10. Sanda Cristina VULPE, Mărioara ABRUDEANU, Dumitru OHÂI, Adriana-Gabriela PLĂIAŞU, Vasile RIZEA, Nicoleta RĂDUȚOIU, The influence of the thermal transient regime on grain size nickel-based alloys, Revista de Chimie, 63, no.10, 2012, pag. 1026-1030, FI 0,599 11. Sanda Cristina VULPE, Mărioara ABRUDEANU, Dumitru OHÂI, Adriana-Gabriela PLĂIAŞU, Nicoleta RĂDUȚOIU, The influence of the thermal cycling on grain size nickel-based alloys, Revista de Chimie, 63, nr.11, 2012, pag. 1112-1115, FI 0,599 12. Florina Constantin, Jean-Pierre Millet, Marioara Abrudeanu, Adriana-Gabriela Plăiaşu, Influence of a cooling liquid on the corrosion behaviour of AlMn alloy, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 56(9), 2011, pag. 917-921, FI 0,311. 13. J.Kouam, T.Ait-Ahcene, A.G Plăiaşu, M. Abrudeanu, A. Motoc, E. Beche, C. Monty, Characterisation and properties of ZnO based nanopowders prepared by solar physical vapor deposition(SPVD), Solar Energy, Vol.82, Issue 3, March 2008 , ISSN 0038-092, Ed. Elsevier, pag.226-238, FI 1,607,
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Hi Am Rajakumar.G., Doing Ph.D., nanotech, frm India.
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