


Lake Charles, LA


July 9

I am...


My research field or area of interest innanotechnology

Nuclear Reactions, Brief Involvement in elementary structural genetics with Prof. Steffen in Trondheim.

Interest in...

Advances in technology for experimental observation (in situ) of chemical dynamics of reaction mechanism induced by intake of drugs/pharmaceuticals in a living body, (bipeds or quadrupeds) in initial drug tests. Lots of drug are manufactured, tested and marketed without in situ study of reaction mechanisms of these chemicals within a living body. Improve safety design, save lives before their intake.

Publication list

Available, but none in biotechnology. This note if Prof. Steffen - Just want to say hello, and remain in touch, before I decide to give a personal call ("HELLO") on his cell phone. Regards Steffen, from Louis and Angela

Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name

Currently retired, but busy improving living experience - reading genetics, history, getting back to Heavy Ion Nuclear Reactions for teaching in University

Researchgroup, Institute, Company, University, School webpage

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