Sankarapuram, Tamil nadu & Manipal, Karnataka
January 21
I am...
Biologist, Engineer
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Bioprocess Engineering, NanoBiotechnology, Biotechnology Application in Environmental safety.
Interest in...
Biogenesis of nanoparticles and characterization. Optimization and Kinetic Modeling of Biological Production of bioactive drug (Nanoparticles) Using Recombinant Microorganisms
Publication list
Kannan N., and Subbalaxmi S, “Biogenesis of metal nanoparticles-A Current Perspective”, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 27, 99-114. Kannan N., and V. Ramachandra Murty,(2010) “Optimization of chitinase production from Serratia marcescens - A classical approach”, Biological Segment: 1(1) BS/1510. Kannan N., Subbalaxmi S and V. Ramachandra Murty, (2010) Microbial production of silver nanoparticles”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5(1),135- 140. Kannan N., (2009) Tannase: A tool for instantaneous tea, Current biotica, 3(1), 96- 103. Kannan N., (2009) An in vitro study on micropropagation of Cymbidium orchids, Current Biotica, 3 (2), 244-250. Kannan N., (2009) Tannase: Hydrolyzing agent for tanning industries, ESAIJ, 4(5), 306-310. Kannan N., Aravindan R. (2009) The Effect of fermentation parameters on extracellular tannase production by Lactobacillus plantarum MTCC 1407. E Journal of Chemistry, 6(1), 273-280. Kannan N., Aravindan R., Viruthagiri T.,(2008) Tannase catalyzed gallic acid production for pharmaceutical applications, Chemical weekly, 217-219. Kannan N., Aravindan R., Viruthagiri T. (2008) “Tannase Enzyme: the most potential biocatalyst for food industries”. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Asia, 05(1). 221- 228. Kannan N., Aravindan R., Viruthagiri T. (2008) Tannase as an efficient biocatalyst for food industries, Chemical Engineering World, July, 96.
Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University
Researchgroup, Institute, Company, University, School webpage
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Hi Kannan,
I am working on nanomaterials and surface modification studies..I hope you read not read my profile clearly ( i m male and not madam)
Hello Mr. N. Kannan, please send me mail to,, we will discuss more
Thanks Ji, Hope you are doing good. Here I am fine. Whats Up! Take care. Any interesting findings from your research !