September 12
I am...
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Nano-materials for PV and gas sensing applications
Interest in...
sports, reading, travelling and fishing
Publication list
List of Publication 1- Effect of In addition on some physical properties of the As2Se3 amorphous system, Appl. Phys. A 60, 233-238 (1995) 2- The effect of thickness and -radiation on the optical properties of thin (As2Se3)1-xInx amorphous film, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28, 2150-2153 (1995) 3- A study of optical absorption and photo-induced effects in Ge-Se-Te amorphous system, J. Materials Research, vol. 13, No. 5, (1998) 4- Experimental study and configurational-coordinate model for photo-induced effects in amorphous As2Se3 films, J. of Phys and Chem of Solids 62, (2001), 921-926. 5- Structure, Optical Absorption and Electrical Conductivity of Amorphous AsSeGe thin films J. Vacuum 62 (2001) 353-360. 6- Characterization of evaporated Selenide semiconductor alloy on P-type substrates J. Phys.and Chem. Of solids 64 (2003) 1-6 7- Study of Gamma Radiation Induced Optical Effects in Ge-Se-Cd for Possible Industrial Dosimetric Applications, J. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 72(2005)419-422 8- Compositional Dependence of the Physical Properties of GeSeTe Amorphous System, J. Materials chemistry and physics, 2006, vol. 97, no2-3, pp. 420-424. 9- Modification of SeTe alloy with Fe using the Mechanical Alloying Method J. Optical materials 29(2007) 562-565. 10- Surface roughness and dispersion parameters on Indium-doped amorphous As2Se3 thin fims, J. NDT&E Intl. (2004). 11- Study of thermally-induced effects on Si–Ge amorphous layers using optical measurements, Optical Materials, Volume 29, Issue 12, August 2007, Pages 1625-1629 G.A.M. Amin, K.A.A. Sharshar 12- Space Charge Limited-Current and Traps distribution in Ag-As-Te thin film glasses, Solid State Electronics xxx(2007)xxx-xxx. 13- Physical Evolution in Network Glasses of Ag-As-Te System, J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids xxx(2007)xxx-xxx. 14- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study of Amorphous GeSe Thin Films doped with Cd and Te, Under publication in the J. of Optical Materials. 15- Metal induced effects on some physical properties of Se8Te2 amorphous system, Under Publication in the J. of Physics and Chemistry of solids. 16- γ-Irradiation effects on the optical properties of amorphous Ge10As30Se60 thin films Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 10 July 2009 17- Metal induced effects on some physical properties of Se0.8Te0.2 amorphous system Thin Solid Films, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 15 August 2009 A.F. Maged, G.A. M. Amin, M. Semary, E. Borham
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