June 8
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Engineer, Teacher, Project coordinator, User of nanotechnology products
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Structural Integrity - Lightweight Structural applications, polymer nanocomposites
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Structural nanocomposites, Lightweight materials and structures, structural dynamics
Publication list
List of Books and Book Chapters 1. K. Pielichowski, J. Njuguna, Thermal Degradation of Polymeric Materials, Rapra Technology, Shawbury 2005 (ISBN 978 1859 57498 0). 2. J. Njuguna, J. Fan and K. Pielichowski “Polymer nanocomposites for aerospace applications” in Advances in polymer nanocomposites: Types and applications, (Ed. F Gao), Woodhead, Oct. 2012 (ISBN: 1 84569 940 8), In Press. 3. J. Njuguna, F. Silva and S. Sachse “Nanocomposites for Vehicle Structural Applications” in Nanofibers - Production, Properties and Functional Applications (Ed. T Lin), InTech Press, 2011 (ISBN: 978-953 307 420 7). 4. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, A. Leszczynska, Elastomeric Nanocomposites for Aerospace Applications, In ‘Recent Advances in Elastomeric Nanocomposites’ (Eds.V. Mittal, J. K. Kim, K. Pal), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011 (ISBN: 978 3 642 15786 8). 5. J. Njuguna, P. Wambua, K. Pielichowski, K. Kayvantash, “Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites for Automotive Applications: In Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer Composites” (Eds. S. Kalia, B. S. Kaith, I. Kaur), Springer, 1st Edition, 2011, (ISBN: 978 3 642 17369 1). 6. K. Pielichowski, A. Leszczyńska and J. Njuguna, Mechanisms of Thermal Degradation of Layered Silicates Modified with Ammonium and other Thermally Stable Salts, in ‘Thermally Stable and Flame Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites’ (Ed. V. Mittal), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011 (ISBN: 978 0 521 19075 6). 7. K. Pielichowski, A. Leszczyńska, J. Njuguna, “Mechanisms of Thermal Stability Enhancement in Polymer Nanocomposites” in “Optimization of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties” (Ed. V. Mittal), 195-210, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010, (ISBN: 978 3 527 32521 4). 8. K. Pielichowski, J. Njuguna, B. Janowski, J. Pielichowski, “Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes (POSS)-Containing Nanohybrid Polymers,” in Supramolecular Polymers, Polymeric Betains, Oligomers, (Eds. A. Abe, K. Dusek) Springer, 2006 (ISBN10: 354 031 923 9). 9. S. Kalia, B.S. Kaith, I. Kaur, J. Njuguna, “Biofibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites," Volume III-Advances in Polymer Composites-Bio Composites, (Eds.) Sabu Thomas, K. Joseph, S. K. Malhotra, K. Goda, M. S. Sreekala, John Wiley & Sons, USA, In Press. 10. S. Desai, J. Njuguna, “Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity of Materials Using Different Forms of Natural Graphite,“ in Advances in Industrial Heat Transfer (Ed) A. A. Minea, Taylor and Francis, 2012,(ISBN 9781439899076), In Press. Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal and Conference papers - from over 100 publications total 11. S. Desai, J. Njuguna, “Thermal properties of natural graphite flake composites” International Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, accepted. 12. M. Messina, V. Dariol, C. Pace, G. Angeletti, J. Njuguna, “Design and Simulation of a Novel Bio-Mechanic Piezoresistive Sensor with Silicon Nanowires,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH), 2012, Accepted. 13. S. Sachse, F. Silvia, A. Irfan, H. Zhu, K. Pielichowski, O. Kuzmenko, O. Kazmina, V. Ermini, M. Blázquez, J. Njuguna “The effect of nanoclay on dust generation during drilling process of polyamide 6 nanocomposites”, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012, Accepted. 14. S. Kalia, L. Averous, J. Njuguna, A. Dufresne, B. M. Cherian, “Natural fibers, bio- and nanocomposites”, International Journal of Polymer Science, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 735932, 2 pages doi:10.1155/2011/735932 15. S. Kalia, A. Dufresne, B. M. Cherian, B. S. Kaith, L. Averous, J. Njuguna, E. Nassiopoulos," Cellulose based bio and nanocomposites: a review", International Journal of Polymer Sciences, 2011, 25 pages, Article ID 837875, doi:10.1155/2011/837875. 16. J. Njuguna, “The application of energy absorbing structures on side impact protection systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2011, 40(12); 280-287. 17. S. Sachse, A. Irfan, H. Zhu, J. Njuguna, “Morphology studies of nanodust generated from polyurethane/nanoclay nanofoams following mechanical fracture” Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 2011; 7;5-9 18. S. Mittermeyer, J. Njuguna, J.R. Alcock, "Product Service Systems in Health Care: Case Study of a Drug-Device Combination", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011; 52(9-12), 1209-1221.DOI: 10.1007/s00170-010-2766-4. 19. Z. Mouti, K. Westwood, K. Kayvantash, J. Njuguna, Low velocity impact behavior of glass filled fiber-reinforced thermoplastic engine components, Materials, 2010, 3(4), 2463-2473. 20. J. Njuguna, S. Michalowski, K. Pielichowski, K. Kayvantash, A. C. Walton "Fabrication, characterisation and low-velocity impact on hybrid sandwich composites with polyurethane/layered silicate foam cores", Polymer Composites, 2010: 32(1), 6–13. DOI: 10.1002/pc.20995 21. D. Bandopadhya, J. Njuguna, “A study on the effects of Kalman filter on performance of IPMC-based active vibration control scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2010; PP(99) 1-10. 22. J. Njuguna, S. Michalowski, K. Pielichowski, K. Kayvantash, A. C. Walton, “Improved car crash protection” Plastic Research Online, Society of Plastic Engineers, 2010; DOI: 10.1002/spepro.003061. 23. J. Njuguna, I. Peña, H. Zhu, S. A. Rocks, M. Blázquez, S.A. Desai, “Opportunities and environmental health challenges facing integration of polymer NanoComposites technologies for automotive applications”, International Journal of Applied Polymers and Technologies, 2009; 1(2-3), 113-122. 24. D. Bandopadhya, J. Njuguna, "Estimation of bending resistance of ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) actuator following variable parameters pseudo-rigid body model" Materials Letters, 2009; 63 (9-10): 745-747 25. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna, “Analyses of Power Output of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices Directly Connected to a Resistive Load Using a Coupled Piezoelectric-Circuit Finite Element Method,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2009, 56(7) 1309-1318. 26. D. Bandopadhya, J. Njuguna, “Modelling and Analyses of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) Rocker Based 4-bar for Variable Path Generation Using Euler-Bernoulli Approach,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 2009, 223(C10), 2405-2411. 27. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna, “Coupled piezoelectric-circuit FEA to study influence of a resistive load on power output of piezoelectric energy devices” Proc. SPIE, 2009; 7362- 736202. 28. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, S. Desai, “Nanofiller-reinforced polymer nanocomposites”, Polymers for Applied Technologies, 2008, 19(8) 947 – 959. 29. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski J. R. Alcock, “Epoxy-based fibre reinforced nanocomposites: current status”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2007, 9 (10) 835 – 847. 30. J.R. Banerjee, C.W. Cheung, R. Morishima, M. Perera, J. Njuguna, “Free vibration of a three-layered sandwich beam using the dynamic stiffness method and experiment”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44 (22-23) 7543-7563. 31. A. Leszczynska, J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, J.R. Banerjee, “Thermal stability of polymer/montmorillonite nanocomposites: Part I: Factors influencing thermal stability and mechanisms of thermal stability improvement”. Themochimica Acta, 2007; 453(2)75-96. 32. A. Leszczynska, J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, J.R. Banerjee, “Polymer/clay (montmorillonite) nanocomposites with improved thermal properties: Part II: A review study on thermal stability of montmorillonite nanocomposites based on different polymeric matrixes”, Themochimica Acta, 2007; 454(1) 1-22. 33. J. Njuguna, “Flutter prediction, suppression and control in aircraft composite wings as a design prerequisite; a survey” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2007, 14 (5) 715-758. 34. K. Pielichowski, B. Janowski, J. Njuguna, J. Pielichowski, “Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS)-containing nanohybrid polymers” Advances in Polymer Sciences 2006; 201:225-296. 35. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, “Polymer nanocomposites for aerospace applications: Fabrication”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2004; 6(4): 193-203. 36. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, “Recent progresses in polyurethane-based conducting polymer composites”, Journal of Material Sciences 2004; 39(13): 4081-4094. 37. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, “Polymer nanocomposites for aerospace applications: Characterisation”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2004; 6(4): 204-210. 38. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, “Polymer nanocomposites for aerospace applications: Properties”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2003; 5(11): 769-778. 39. S. Sachse, F. Silva, J. Njuguna, “Mechanical properties and impact-energy absorption of injection moulded nanocomposite structures,” European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM15,Venice,Italy, 24-28th June 2012. (accepted) 40. C. Avril, P. A. Bailly, J. Njuguna, E. Nassiopoulos, A. De Larminat, “Development of flax-reinforced bio-composites for high-load bearing automotive parts,” European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM15,Venice,Italy, 24-28th June 2012. (accepted) 41. Z. Mouti, K. Westwood, D. Long, J. Njuguna, “An experimental investigation into localised low- velocity impact loading on glass fibre-reinforced polyamide automotive product,” Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Politecnico di Torino,18-20 June 2012. (accepted) 42. S. Sachse, F. Silva, K. Pielichowski, A. Leszczynska, J. Njuguna, “Compression strength and low-velocity impact performance of nanocored sandwich composites,” Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Politecnico di Torino,18-20 June 2012. (accepted) 43. A. Irfan, S. Sachse, J. Njuguna, H. Zhu, “In vitro assessment and characterization of silica nanoparticles toxicity in human lung A549 cells,” Nanoformulation 2012: Safety and Health Effects of Nanoscale Materials -Towards Sustainable & Safe Nanomaterials, Barcelona, Spain, 28th May- 1st June 2012. (accepted) 44. J. Rose, M. Auffan, P. Chaurand, J. Labille, D. Borschneck, A. MAsion, H. Miche; C. Geantet, E. Puzenat, P. Afanasiev, E. Lecelrc, J. Garric, F. Manuela, B. Vollat, P. Noury, K. Abbaci, K. Pielichowskiaze, A. Leszczynska, S. Michalowski, J. Njuguna, S. Sachse and J. Y. Bottero, “Environmental exposure to Nanomaterials and their by-products through their life cycle,” NANOLCA 2012: Safety issues and regulatory challenges of nanomaterials, San Sebastián, Spain, 3rd- 4th May 2012. (accepted) 45. J. Njuguna, Current state-of-the-art in structural nano-composites and their applications: challenges and prospects in construction industry, LimesNet Research Workshop 1:Advanced Composites and Nano-Materials, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 16th-17th April 2012 (Invited) 46. J. Fan, E. Nassiopoulos, J. Brighton, A. De Larminat, J. Njuguna, “New structural biocomposites for car applications,” Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) EUROTECH 2011, 14-15 November 2011, Barcelona, Spain 47. S. Sachse, A. Irfan, S. Michałowski, K. Pielichowski, O. Kazmina, V. Ermini, H. Zhu, J. Njuguna, “The effect of nanofiller during machining of high performance nano-reinforced polymer composites,” European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes - EUROMAT 2011,Montpellier, France, 12-15th September 2011. 48. Z. Mouti, K. Westwood, D. Long, J. Njuguna, “Experimental investigations on localized low velocity impact loading on glass filled polyamide for automotive parts”, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes - EUROMAT 2011, Montpellier, France, 12-15th September 2011. 49. J. Rose, M. Auffan, P. Chaurand, J. Labille, D. Borschneck, A. MAsion, H. Miche; C. Geantet, E. Puzenat, P. Afanasiev, E. Lecelrc, J. Garric, F. Manuela, B. Vollat, P. Noury, K. Abbaci, K. Pielichowskiaze, A. Leszczynska, S. Michalowski, J. Njuguna, S. Sachse and J. Y. Bottero, “Environmental impact of engineered nanoparticles and nanomaterials through their life cycle” Goldschmidt 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-19 August 2011. 50. Z. Mouti, K. Westwood, D. Long, J. Njuguna, “Finite element analysis of impact damage response on short glass fibre-reinforced polyamide engine oil sump” 8th European LS-DYNA® Users Conference, Strasbourg, France, 23rd - 24th May, 2011. 51. J. Njuguna, J. M. Herreros, M. Lapuerta , D. Lowe , “Emission benefits in application of alternative fuels on racing car compression ignition engines” 4th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management Mérida, Portugal, 25th -27th May 2011. 52. E. Nassiopoulos, J. Njuguna, “Finite element dynamic simulation of whole rallying car structure: Towards better understanding of structural dynamics during side impacts; 8th European LS-DYNA® Users Conference which will take place in Strasbourg, France, 23rd - 24th May 2011. 53. J. Rose, M. Auffan, P. Chaurand, J. Labille, D. Borschneck, A. MAsion, H. Miche; C. Geantet, E. Puzenat, P. Afanasiev, E. Lecelrc, J. Garric, F. Manuela, B. Vollat; P. Noury, K. Abbaci, K. Pielichowskiaze, A. Leszczynska, S. Michalowski, J. Njuguna, S. Sachse and J.Y. Bottero, “Ageing and Toxicity of real NM in aquatic environment” Joint JRC Nano Event and 2nd ENPRA Workshop, Somma Lombardo, 10-12 May 2011 54. J. Njuguna, S. Sachse, A. Ifran, S. Michałowski, K. Pielichowski, O. Kazmina, V. Errmini, H. Zhu, M. Blázquez “Investigations into nanoparticles generated from nanofiller reinforced polymer nanocomposites during structural testing” Safety issues of nanomaterials along their life cycle, Barcelona, Spain, 4-5th May 2011 Pg. 53-54. (Invited) 55. A. Irfan, S. Sachse, J. Njuguna and H. Zhu, “In vitro analysis of nanoparticles released from polyamide nanomaterial composites during drilling process” 2011 Annual UK Review Meeting on Outdoor & Indoor Air Pollution Research, Cranfield, 5th May 2011. 56. J. Njuguna, S. Sachse, A. Ifran, H. Zhu, S. Michałowski, K. Pielichowski “Nanoparticles released from structural nano-enhanced products following mechanical loading at low velocity impacts: A case study on structural polyurethane nanoreinforced foams” 4th International Seminar on Modern Polymeric Materials for Environmental Applications, Krakow, Dec. 2010. 57. S. Sachse and J. Njuguna, “Nanoparticles released from nano-enhanced structural products following mechanical fracture”, NEPHH - 1st International Workshop Industry and nanomaterials: Benefits and risks, Milano, Italy, 18 Nov. 2010 58. J. Njuguna, R. Dorey, “Nano-reinforced composites: current status, opportunities and challenges” Nanotechnology Innovations for High Performance Motorsport. Cranfield, 21st September 2010. 59. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, "Ageing and performance predictions of polymer nanocomposites for exterior defence and aerospace applications", Polymers in Defence & Aerospace Applications, Hamburg, Germany, 11-12 March 2010 60. S. Sachse, K. Kayvantash, J. Njuguna, “Development of a framework for life cycle philosophy of nano-enhanced products” – High Performance Nanotechnologies (HiiPerNano) 2010 Conference: Nano-enhanced Materials for Challenges in Auto and Aero, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK, 28 April 2010. 61. S. Sachse, K. Kayvantash, J. Njuguna, “Characterisation of engineering thermoplastic nanostructures released during mechanical fracture” International Conference on Workplace Aerosols, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 June -2 July 2010. 62. A. Irfan, J. Njuguna, K. Kayvantash and H. Zhu, “In vitro hazard identification and characterization of manufactured nanoparticles throught products life cycle” 2010 Annual UK Review Meeting on Outdoor & Indoor Air Pollution Research, Cranfield, 13-14 April 2010. 63. S. Sachse, J. Njuguna, F. Ansari, K. Kayvantash, H. Zhu, "Characterisation of engineering thermoplastic nanostructures released during mechanical fracture of nano-enahanced products" 2nd The European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials (NanoImpactNet) Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-13 March 2010 64. N. Kavosh, F. Ansari, J.J. Ramsden, S. Sachse, J. Njuguna, "Toxicity of zinc oxide nanorods for human cells" 2nd The European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials (NanoImpactNet) Conference Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-13 March 2010. 65. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna, Coupled Piezoelectric-Circuit FEA to Study Influence of a Resistive Load on Power Output of Piezoelectric Energy Devices” SPIE Europe Microtechnologies for the New Millennium (EMT) Conference: Dresden, Germany, 4–6 May 2009. 66. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna: Coupled Piezoelectric-Circuit Finite Element Method for Analyses of Power Output of Piezoelectric Energy harvesters Directly Connected with an Electric Resistor, Piezo2009. 1-4 March 2009, Zakopane, Poland 67. P. Wambua, J. Njuguna, K. Kiriamiti, O. Aoyi, C. Nzila, “Industrialization and poverty eradication through manufacturing and application of composites,” Food, Water and Energy: Engineering Challenge of 21st Century, Institute of Engineers of Kenya International Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 22nd –24th April 2009; pg. 15-18. 68. J. Njuguna, “Cranfield’s Motorsport Research: Materials and Structures Research Highlights,” BUSINESS ACCELERATOR 2009. Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, 11 Feb 2009. 69. J. Njuguna, Impact analysis of short-glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic automotive engine components, Plastic in Motion, Prague, Czech Republic May 14-16 2008. 70. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna “Coupled Piezoelectric-Circuit FEA to study Influence of a Resistive Load on Piezoelectric Energy Devices,” Sensors and Instrumentation KTN - Energy Harvesting Technology Event; 26th November 2008. 71. J. Njuguna, S. Michalowski, K. Pielichowski, A. C. Walton “Nanophased hybrid sandwich composites for vehicular structural applications” Nanopolymers, Frankfurt, Oct. 2008. 72. J. Njuguna, “How do we make vehicles lighter?” Invited Talk by Cranfield University BDO , Cranfield Corporate Induction day, 24th Sept. 2008 Cranfield, UK. 73. J Njuguna, I Peña, H Zhu, S A. Rocks, M Blázquez (invited lecture) “Integration of polymer nanocomposites technologies for automotive applications: opportunities and environmental health challenges” 3rd International Seminar on Modern Polymeric Materials for Environmental Applications, Krakow, Poland, 14-16th May 2008 74. S. A. Mittermeyer, J. A. Njuguna and J. R. Alcock, “Convection enhanced delivery – An interdisciplinary approach to treat brain tumours and other neurodegenerative diseases”, Multistrand Conference, Cranfield University, May 2008. 75. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, “Polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes for aerospace and defense applications”, RAPRA conference in Polymers in Defence and Aerospace Applications, Toulouse, France, September 15-18th, 2007. 76. J. Njuguna, P. Wambua, T. Jackson, S. Liesker, S. Monoogian, G. Salazar and E. Schuivens, Side Impact Protection Systems for Racing Car using Energy Absorbing Sandwich Structures, FIBRE REINFORCED COMPOSITES 2007 Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 9 - 12 December 2007. Paper 29. 77. J. R. Banerjee, R. Morishima, M. Perera, C. Cheung, J. Njuguna, “Dynamic analysis of a three-layered sandwich beam using theory and experiment”, 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 1 - 4 May 2006, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 78. J. Njuguna, J.R. Banerjee, C.W. Cheung, “Theoretical and experimental modal analysis of laminated composite beams”, 2nd International Seminar on Modern Polymeric Materials for Environmental Applications under the auspices of EC Marie Curie Programme (FP 5), Kraków, March 23-25, 2006 79. J. Njuguna, J. R. Banerjee, J. R. Alcock, C.W. Cheung. “Theoretical and experimental modal analysis of a three-layered sandwich beam”. SET for Britain 2006, House of Commons Science Week (UK) on 15 March 2006. House of Commons, London 2006. 80. J. Njuguna, K. Pielichowski, J.R. Banerjee, R. Alcock, C.W. Cheung, “Recent advances in segmented polyurethane nanocomposites”, 2nd International Seminar on Modern Polymeric Materials for Environmental Applications under the auspices of EC Marie Curie Programme (FP 5), Kraków, March 23-25, 2006. 81. Major Contribution: “United Kingdom Space Generation Forum report to the British National Space Centre on the topic of the review of the BNSC”, January 2002, UK- Space Generation Forum. 82. J. Njuguna, H. Su, C.W. Cheung, J. R. Banerjee, “The influence of ply orientation on the free vibration of laminated composite beams”, In UNSW 2002 Conference Proceedings, Sydney, Australia, Eds. Bandyopadhyay, N. Gowripalan, S. Rizkalla, ACUN-4, p.307-314. 83. E. Nassiopoulos, J. Njuguna, “Natural fibre biocomposites for body-in-white, body panels and other structural components”, Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) EUROTECH 2011, 14-15 November 2011, Barcelona, Spain. 84. J. Fan, E. Nassiopoulos, J. Njuguna, “New structural biocomposites for car applications” Fibre crops: Agronomy and end uses workshop, Cambridge, UK, 4th August 2011. 85. A. Irfan, S. Sachse, J. Njuguna, H. Zhu “In vitro toxicological evaluation of engineered nanoparticles” Translational Medicine Research Meeting, Gloucester, 4th March 2011 (Best Poster Award). 86. S. Sachse and J. Njuguna, “Nanoparticles released from nano-enhanced structural products following mechanical fracture”, NEPHH - 1st International Workshop Industry and nanomaterials: Benefits and risks, Milano, Italy, 18 Nov. 2010 87. S. Sachse, K. Kayvantash, J. Njuguna, “Development of a framework for life cycle philosophy of nano-enhanced products” – High Performance Nanotechnologies (HiiPerNano) 2010 Conference: Nano-enhanced Materials for Challenges in Auto and Aero, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK, 28 April 2010. 88. S. Sachse, K. Kayvantash, J. Njuguna, “Characterisation of engineering thermoplastic nanostructures released during mechanical fracture” International Conference on Workplace Aerosols, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 June -2 July 2010. 89. A. Irfan, J. Njuguna, K. Kayvantash and H. Zhu, “In vitro hazard identification and characterization of manufactured nanoparticles throught products life cycle” 2010 Annual UK Review Meeting on Outdoor & Indoor Air Pollution Research, Cranfield, 13-14 April 2010. 90. S. Sachse, J. Njuguna, F. Ansari, K. Kayvantash, H. Zhu, "Characterisation of engineering thermoplastic nanostructures released during mechanical fracture of nano-enahanced products" 2nd The European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials (NanoImpactNet) Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-13 March 2010 91. N. Kavosh, F. Ansari, J.J. Ramsden, S. Sachse, J. Njuguna, "Toxicity of zinc oxide nanorods for human cells" 2nd The European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials (NanoImpactNet) Conference Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-13 March 2010. 92. Z. Mouti, K. Westood, K. Kayvantash, J. Njuguna, "Impact resistance of a thermoplastic oil pan module" Low Carbon Vehicle Event, Millbrook Proving Ground, 9 September 2009. 93. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna, "Coupled piezoelectric-circuit FEA to study influence of a resitive load on power output of piezoelectric energy devices" Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS IV - Dresden, Germany, 4 -6 May 2010. 94. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna, "Coupled piezoelectric-circuit finite element method for analyses of power output of piezoelectric energy harvesters directly connected with an electric resistor" Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS IV - Dresden, Germany, 4 -6 May 2010. 95. M. Zhu, E. Worthington, J. Njuguna, "Coupled piezoelectric-circuit FEA to study influence of a resistive load on piezoelectric energy devices" Knowledge Transfer Network, London UK, 26 November 2008. 96. J. Njuguna, "How do we make vehicles lighter" Cranfield Corporate Induction day, 24 September 2009. 97. J. Njuguna, J. R. Banerjee, J.R. Alcock, C. W. Cheung, "Theoretical and experimental modal analysis of a three-layered sandwich beam" SET for Britain 2006, House of Commons Science Week (UK), 15th March 2006.
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