Tuapse, Krasnodar Territiory
December 5
I am...
Chemist, Physicist, Project coordinator
My research field or area of interest innanotechnology
Dr. Lukin's areas of research interest are in ignition and combustion of propellants for space and rocket propulsion, unstable and abnormal combustion of the energetic materials, advanced propulsion materials, theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of combustion processes of the energetic materials, solid divert and attitude control systems, microscale combustion mechanisms, hypersonic magneto-plasma aerodynamics, small-sized orbital maneuvering vehicles, smart solid micro-propulsion systems, laser propulsion micro-satellite technology, self-organizing of the micro/nanostructures, laser-induced excitation of the periodic micro/nano-scale structures, throttle control of solid propulsion systems, cymatics, photonics, optical visualization of the reactionary zones, beamed energy propulsion, pyrotechnic ignition systems, advanced plasma technology application, micro-scale propulsion, micro-cymatics, commercial applications of the energetic materials. Over the last 29 years he has investigated the challenging problem of combustion instability.
Interest in...
Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Fellow and Lifetime Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) ; International Member of the AIAA Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) ; Member of the International Advisory Committee of the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials (SKLFPM) in Donghua University, Shanghai, China; Professor-Advisor of the Shaanxi Research Institute of Applied Physics-Chemistry, China; Academic Consultant of the North-Western Polytechnic University, China; Lifetime Member of the High Energy Materials Society of India; Member of the National Graphene Association (NGA), USA.
Publication list
Selected publications [1]. Lukin A, Gülseren O. Tailoring Vibrational Signature and Functionality of 2D-Ordered Linear-Chain Carbon-Based Nanocarriers for Predictive Performance Enhancement of High-End Energetic Materials. Nanomaterials. 2022; 12(7):1041.; [2]. Nichith Chandrasekaran, Charlie Oommen, V.R. Sanal Kumar, Alexander N. Lukin, Victor S. Abrukov, Darya A. Anufrieva, Prediction of Detonation Velocity and N−O Composition of High Energy C−H−N−O Explosives by Means of Artificial Neural Networks, J. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2019, Vol. 44, Issue 5, pp. 579-587.; [3]. Victor S. Abrukov, Alexander N. Lukin, Darya A. Anufrieva, Charlie Oommen, V. R. Sanalkumar, Nichith Chandrasekaran, Rajaghatta Sundararam Bharath,(2019). Recent Advancements in Study of Effects of Nano/Micro Additives on Solid Propellants Combustion by Means of the Data Science Methods. Defence Science Journal, Vol 69 (1), 20-26.; [4]. Lukin A.N., A Novel Strategy of Smart Manipulation by Micro-Scale Oscillatory Networks of the Reactionary Zones for Enhanced Extreme Thrust Control of the Next-Generation Solid Propulsion Systems, Defence Technology Elsevier, V. 14, Issue 5, 2018, pp. 635-642.; [5]. Victor S Abrukov, Alexander N. Lukin, Charlie Oommen, Nichith Chandrasekaran, Rajaghatta S. Bharath, VR Sanal Kumar, Mikhail V Kiselev and Darya A Anufrieva, Development of the Multifactorial Computational Models of the Solid Propellants Combustion by Means of Data Science Methods – Phase II, 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, 2018, (AIAA 2018-4961), Cincinnati, Ohio, 9-11 July.; [6]. Lukin, A.N., Universal Concept of Self-Synchronization of The Micro/Nano- Structures of The Energetic Materials Reactionary Zones and Micro-Scale Combustion Mechanisms, International Journal of Aeronautical Science & Aerospace Research (IJASAR) / IJASAR-2470-4415-03-101, 2016, 3(1), pp. 91-96, DOI: 10.19070/2470-4415-1600011; [7]. Lukin, A.N., Self-Organizing of the Micro-Structures in the Reactionary Zones of the Energetic Materials and Excitation of the Phenomenon of Waves of Negative Erosion, Journal of Fuel Processing Technology, v. 107 (2013), pp. 155-165.
Researchgroup, Institute, University, School, Company name
Western-Caucasus Research Center
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