June 7
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“Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy: tools of success in the coming Era”
27 -29 March 2015 Cataract Pyramids 5 stars Resort Giza, Egypt
Call for Oral and Poster Session Abstracts
Authors will be notified of the selection results. Submissions for presentations should include an abstract of no more than 350 words
Written in Times new roman size 12
Full Registration
Early Registration Fees:
from 2 Nov. 2014 to 20 Jan. 2015
Category / Nationality Egyptians Foreigners
Attendance 750 L.E 600 USD
Poster presenter 850 L.E 500 USD
Oral Presenter 850 L.E 500USD
Nakaa Members till 31 December 2015 Registration fees: ( If you are not a member, You can still join NNN and enjoy discount )
Category / Nationality Egyptians Foreigners
Attendance 600 L.E 400 USD
Poster presenter 700 L.E 400 USD
Oral Presenter 700 L.E 400USD
Please visit conference website for more details:
Best Regards
Mobile outside Egypt: 002 0111 58 31 6 21
Mobile inside Egypt: 0111 58 31 6 21
ICNBS Egypt international conference
Narosa Publishing House is pleased to announce the release of
Principles of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
M. A. Shah
Tokeer Ahmad
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M. A. Shah
Tokeer Ahmad