was founded in Dehradun,Uttarakhand, India, in 2007. We are a leading nanomaterials company,involved in all aspects of the business: manufacturing, research anddevelopment, processing, supplying and marketing of nanostructuredmaterials and their dispersions.
Nowadays the technology of usagenanopowders is innovating and concerns more and more new spheres in newengineering science.
Present temp of nanopowders’ development enjoinus on cooperation with laboratories, universities, researching centersnot only in India.
Within the frames of mutual scientific andresearch motivation of adaptation of innovative technology toenvironment of mass consumption – we want to offer you our cooperation.
Ifit is interesting for you and you want to get some testers of ourproduct – just write us a letter on neoecoindia@gmail.com.
For more information, please, visit our web-site at www.neoecosys.com.
We cangive you examples of our product free, 1gr. each metal, only (exceptprecious metals – price could be negotiated).
Fax:+91 01 35 2698153
Tel: + 91 01 35 2698153
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