Hello, all! As I know maximum resolution we can receive using RAMAN spectroscopy is 200 nm. NT-MDT claimed that they can get 14 nm. What do you think - is it possible at all?
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Dear Lena, hope that will help a lille http://www.nanopaprika.eu/profiles/blogs/nt-mdt-invites-everyone-to...
They must be taking advantage of various sub-diffraction "cheats", similar to what is used with confocal microscopy to break the optical resolution limit, for example. OP, you should post the article that makes the claim, at least.
Here is a recent article that uses AFM in conjunction with Raman Spectroscopy, they claim resolution all the way down to 2-10 nm by adjusting the angle of incidence of the excitation field.
Very interesting
Wow. 14 nm is impressive.
What scope was it?
Ntegra Spectra http://www.ntmdt.com/device/ntegra-spectra