Are you ready to be creative in the contemporary Quantum World?
QUARTE 2014 - Conference-EXibition 26/27/June Sala Odejon -La Sapienza University P.le a. Moro 5 - .ROMA (IT)
DEVELOPING the QUANTUM CREATIVITY means to go forward the completeness of quantum developmental culture of the human evolution in the third Millennium generating a great quantum leap in creative world-wide consciousness.
Consciousness derives etymologically from ( latin: “con-scire”, = to know together ) In the past Creativity was related to the low consciousness as a consequence of the reductionism of CLASSICAL MECHANICISTIC SCIENCE. So we could say that creativity, during the obsolete industrial society, was based on the ability and capacity related to the EXTERNAL OBSERVATION. The Quantum Creativity innovation will be founded on the simultaneity of intuition to understand consciously the entanglement between external observation and internal insight of the quantum brain activity. Therefore Quantum Creativity will be able to enhance motivated inspirations to elevate quantum art and science through a deep intellectual change in order to be able in determining a great impact on the social culture evolution.
"QUARTE" is an acronym of an scientific and cultural network of “Quantum Art and Science and communication technology through Augmented Reality”, a project /program promoted by the R&D Association EGOCREANET starting from the event held in Dec 2012 in Florence (1) .
“QUARTE” program constantly interpret a long term strategy for driving culture and society to change.
The Quantum Art performance of QUARTE 2014 will work as a trans-disciplinary catalyst for creative transition towards future knowledge society.
Because change means doing something new and unknown, the natural societal reaction is to resist to that change. Therefore Chaos Management must be engaged to study a strategy to overcome this resistance and adopt innovative and resilient management techniques in order to develop high performers for the EVENT of QUARTE 2014 programmed in Rome.
We live in a time of crisis and uncertainty of the world-wide Quantum - Era, where more than the industrial production of objects is the financial speculation which makes the indefinite future. This historical socio-economic condition of indeterminacy of the post industrial society need to generate a fundamental change by enhancing quantum creativity entangling new scientific paradigm with a new quantum- aesthetic sensibility to develop new probable exceptional solutions to escape from the contemporarily cultural and economic crisis and to overcome the uncertainty of the contemporary historical moment. The quantum aesthetics then will be guided to report and prosecute a strategy to overcoming the classical objectivity of perception (visual, aural and tactile or expressed in movement as in the dance and so on). Therefore, the aesthetic innovation of quantum art sees creativity as a new probable way of change through a new alchemy of transformation of the world classical culture based on a falsely conception of objective perception of external world.
Hence the new logic in modern aesthetics is suited to overcome the conception of the classical art that has been largely expressed in visual fac-similes or frames representing objective reality .
Differently the Quantum - AESTETICS is a new expression of an internal quantum brain-conscious perception oriented to change the obsolete the previous paradigm of contemporary art .
Will be one of the main themes of the "Quantum Creativity" CONFERENCE EXIBITION IN ROMA- LA SAPIENZA HALL ODEJON Roma c/o Facoltà di Lettere della Sapienza" p.le A.Moro 5- ROMA (IT) : dates 26/27/JUNE 2014.>
The goal of Conference on Quantum Creativity would be addressed to analyze a number of emerging trends in:
1)- Conference on Quantum Creativity will scan contemporary culture to detect emerging Quantum-aesthetics and cultural forms of visualization specific to global quantum-information society.
2) Developing the Quantum Art and Science using the new paradigm of aesthetics based on Quantum Brain.
The Conference on Quantum Creativity will accomplish the above goals using a number of complementary issues as :
1) Quantum Music and wellbeing , 2) Digital Culture and Augmented Reality.3) Quantum Medicine in a new paradigm of health
The quantum Art & Science Plus “AR technology”, starts from the assumption that the changing role of European creative society is one where the entanglement among Quantum Art&Science and ” AR –communication” , would become a critical catalyst in developmental patterns of social, scientific, and technological transformations. The call for lecturer aim to develop expanded fields of new trends of quantum artistic and scientific quantum concepts and practices, which create a big impact for improving ideas and practices of innovation aiming at overcoming the present crisis of creativity for innovating expression and concepts of future culture-changes through developing trans-disciplinary world-wide quantum-creative culture in contemporary knowledge .society .
In particular areas of research involving the epistemological and aesthetics implications in art and quantum field theory of brain perception are welcomed .
N.B. The following is a first round “Call for Papers” , the deadline will be 31st of May, 2014.
The Conference will accomplish the above theme using a number of complementary issues as :
CALL for Papers :
Conference speaker's requirements :
For lecturers and artists: Please reply as soon as possible before the 01 MAY 2014 by " e-mail" :
1) either a paper (about 500 words in italian or english ) or a quantum art/ project exhibition (photos or design) related to the topics of the seminar (accompanied by a statement of about 100 words).
2 Participation to the conference exhibition has a "fee” of 100,00=.Euro, in order to sustain the organization of such event.
The potential lecturers or Artists, can send a reply to both the following addresses:
Paolo Manzelli : <>
Daniela Biganzoli : <>